Magellan is committed to increasing awareness about BIPOC mental health, wellness, and the importance of recognizing and addressing concerns.
This Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re focusing on ways people can prioritize their mental health on and off the clock, and how employers need to be showing up to support a healthier culture.
This Mental Health Awareness Month, we celebrate the progress we’ve made and reaffirm our dedication to designing with empathy and compassion. Together with our MOREgroup family of brands, we can make a meaningful difference, one thoughtfully designed space at a time. ...
This is why we are introducing ourmental health awareness month! Within the next five weeks, we will cover some important issues that you or people you know might deal with. Our aim is to reduce the perceived distance between the healthy and the so-called diseased people. It’s important t...
Weekly Mental Health Booths 五月的每个周二,学校心理老师都在食堂门口设置了心理摊位“解忧杂货铺”,并开展各种有趣的心理活动。这些活动不仅能帮助大家放松身心,更重要的是通过互动和创作,提升大家的心理健康意识。 Throughout the month, our cou...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we wanted to take a minute to shine a little light on it. As a show, we've unintentionally become pretty big endorsers of taking care of your mental health. Aside from putting up with each other for hours a day every day (gulp), we all have...
Views & Analysis How a lack of mental health diagnosis is affecting young men As lockdown gradually eases, things are starting to look up but the lasting impact COVID-19 has had on our wellbeing remains.
National Mental Health Awareness Month in May focuses on bringing tools, resources, and education to the general public
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Mental health awareness is represented by a green ribbon. How to Observe Mental Health Awareness Month Take care of yourself Life has numerous ups and downs. Some are solvable but others not so much. When your mental health acts up, seek the right treatment and make yourself better because, ...