May was Mental Health Awareness Month at SGA, and our counseling department organized a variety of engaging activities under the theme "Self-care". These activities aimed to raise awareness about mental health and provide students an...
Talk about mental health One of the best ways to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month is by talking about it with your peers. The more you talk about it, the more normalized it will become. This is one of the aims of the month as the stigma attached to mental health has led to cou...
五月是Mental Health Awareness Month(心理健康宣导月)。 为了唤起大家对心理健康的关注、对自杀行为的防范,学校里为每位老师购置了,印有自杀预防热线的T恤衫、手环。明天,老师们会全部穿戴整齐,会利用adv...
Magellan is committed to increasing awareness about BIPOC mental health, wellness, and the importance of recognizing and addressing concerns.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this year our theme was “Storytelling: The Power of Resilience”. In total, we received 94 submissions from QD students, faculty, and alumni from all over the world telling their st...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we wanted to take a minute to shine a little light on it. As a show, we've unintentionally become pretty big endorsers of taking care of your mental health. Aside from putting up with each other for hours a day every day (gulp), we all have...
Posts about mental health written by bandy52, llhalladay, kschlag, barton345, thebrittons10, hreister, taylor.4411, and Shannon Carter
Mental Health Here’s How We’re Exploring the Future of Mental Health All Throughout May More on SELF’s latest project for Mental Health Awareness Month. ByLeta Shy May 10, 2022 Anxiety We Know Social Media Can Destroy Our Mental Health. What Can We Actually Do About It?
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Mental Health Awareness Month focuses on the critical role mental health plays in our lives. It encourages individuals to prioritize their mental