The essay also rebuts some common contemporary objections to Mengzi's view of human nature: that human nature cannot be good, or else it would not require any ethical cultivation; that Mengzi's view of human nature violates "the fact/value" distinction; that his view is logically circular, ...
The goodness of human nature. Another important philosophical issue of Mengzi is the goodness of human nature (ren xing shan 人性善). All humans have by nature a compassion for others and will not see them suffering (bu ren ren zhi xin 不忍人之心). If a child falls into a well, everb...
Translation is a complex process in which the “primary factor” is not fixed and it depends on what the specific process is. For example, translation can be seen as a process of creating a new work. Or in other words, it not only prolongs the original text but also gives it a second...
Those dictates are capable of motivating and justifying an agent's normative categorizations. Such dictates are linked to Mengzi's conception of human nature (ren xing) as good. I then interpret Mengzi's difficult discussion of courage and qi in Mengzi 2A: 2 as illuminating the idea of '...
(ji機) of all of the ceaseless generations itself is seen in the fluctuating transformations of the cosmos. Thus, in saying that human living is good, they directly connected the ceaseless generation of the cosmos to human beings, and that human nature is good is because it is in possession...