, Virtue, Nature, and Moral Agency in the "Xunzi" (pp.103-134). Indianapolis, IN: Hackett.Mengzi and Xunzi: Two Views of Human Agency. Van,Norden,Bryan W.,III,Kline,T.C.,Ivanhoe,Philip J. Virtue, Nature, and Moral Agency in the Xunzi . 2000...
摘要: The Cultural and historic situation where Xunzi lived was greatly different from that Zisi and Mengzi lived. This led to a great difference between them in choice of value and speaking strategies, which shaped Xunzi's features of poetry.关键词:...
. Hatim and Mason, for instance, focus on the relationship between the author, the translator and the target reader and propose that “the translator stands at the center of this dynamic process of communication, as a mediator between the producer of a source text and whoever are its TL rece...
Finally, I indicate at the end in outline the ways in which Mengzi and Gaozi are engaged in a dispute about moral epistemology that pits each of them against Xunzi and also against Zhuangzi.doi:10.1080/0955236042000190482ImManyulTaylor and Francis LtdAsian Philosophy...
However, this deterministic view oftianmisses out on its various other aspects, in particular the human contribution to whattianactually is. In other words, in the relationship betweentianand humanity, there is a bidirectionality where, rather than the former metaphysically determining human nature,...