The last decade of the twentieth century saw a sudden increase in interest in Japan's sexual minorities both within English-language scholarship and within the Japanese media. Previously largely overlooked by the field of Japanese Studies, the study of homosexuality in Japan began to pick up pace...
menšina in Englishmesiac in Englishmesto in English menej in other dictionaries menej in Arabicmenej in Czechmenej in Germanmenej in Spanishmenej in Frenchmenej in Hindimenej in Indonesianmenej in Italianmenej Georgianmenej in Lithuanianmenej in Dutchmenej in Norwegianmenej in Polishmen...
Accordingly, this study uses the ambivalent sexism inventory (ASI) and several predictor variables in a survey of self-identified gay men in the UK and the US to investigate if and how sexism manifests. Glick and Fiske (1996) created ASI in order to explicate the commonly acknowledged hostile...
More precisely, the study aims to unveil some of the key drivers of anti-feminist ideologies and will be guided by the following questions: which representations of feminism and feminists emerge in Italian online communities and how they spark criticism of feminism? Is neoliberal feminism a ...
in parenthesis. The order of the terms and the colloquialisms used were determined by the country leads with experience in MSM surveying in their own countries. The English language version of the survey uses formal language first, followed by a colloquial paraphrase in parenthesis, for example: ...
Italian dubbing: Agent J Raci Alexander ... mastering coordinator: Deluxe Digital Cinema Jeruschka Argenziano ... set medic (as Jeruschka White) Jonathan Argudo ... production assistant Jana Babatunde-Bey ... production exec: Mr. Smith Tamara Bally ... production controller Zackry Bar...
ponce - a man who is effeminate in his manner and fussy in the way he dresses posseman - an able-bodied man serving as a member of a posse Senhor - a Portuguese title of respect; equivalent to English `Mr' shaver - an adult male who shaves signior, signor - used as an Italian co...
Dánte refers to, and was as a name was inspired by, Italian renaissance poet Dánte Alighieri, who managed to weave the common language spoken in the streets of Italy into that of the upper social classes creating unique and timeless works of written art, understood by both classes, thus br...
a chronic infectious disease caused by a spirochete,Treponema pallidum,usu. venereal in origin but often congenital, affecting almost any body organ, esp. the genitals, skin, brain, and nervous tissue. [< New Latin, coined by Giovanni Fracastoro (1478–1553), Italian physician, in his poemSyph...
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