Visit our Italian Gay Dictionary, with more than 180 expressions, to know how to say gay in Italian. It is part of our LGBT dictionary with more than 2000..
In the German language, when are used expressions whose first element isSpinat-in the context of homosexual men and male homosexuality, is metaphorically speaking of the feces, since Spinat translated into the English language is spinach, the vegetable, and all these expressions are referring to an...
How can I say "I love you so much"? 复制 Casual translation: How do I say "I love you so much"? 复制 Explanation in Italian: Nella traduzione formale, ho utilizzato "How can I say" anziché "How do I say", poiché "can" è più formale di "do". Inoltre, ho incluso le ...
An American sense of lobby would be “gruppi di interesse” (interest groups). In a more negative sense, “poteri forti” (“powerful forces”). In Italian “gay lobby” is far darker and sinister than it sounds like to Anglophone ears. ...
How do you say “cardio”? 这个在 中文 (简体) 里怎么说? 查看翻译 AI_monga 2024年4月20日 Formal Translation: 您如何说“心血管”? 复制 Casual Translation: 你怎么说“心血管”? 复制 Explanation (in Italian): La traduzione formale utilizza il pronome di cortesia "您" anziché il ...
Female Voice Do you understand? Do you understand? Practice saying this sentenceSee also: Free Dictation Practice, Free Listening Comprehension Practice, Free Vocabulary Flashcards How to say "Do you understand?" in Other Languages English French Spanish Chinese German Italian Japanese Russian Portuguese...
Other ways to say good night to children (niños) for example, refer to their sleep: que suenes con los angelitos -- may you dream with angels or que duermas bien, hija -- sleep tight, my child – said to a female child. When speaking to a male child, you would say, que duerma...
This begs the question of what these actions seek to achieve and who is being impacted. As my research shows, thesecond world waroffers multiple examples of destructive antagonism directed at German, Italian and Japanese citizens living in the UK and the US. As always in times of war, it ...
the ending of the word in Italian depends on the noun it’s describing. When referring to a single beautiful male cat, you say "bello gatto," whereas when referring to a single female cat, you say "bella gatta." However, if you’re referring to two cats, you say "...
· Shēnglǐ xìngbié (生理性别):biological sex. · Xìngbié jiāolǜ zhèng (性别焦虑症):gender dysphoria. · Xìngbié rèntóng (性别认同):gender identity. T is the Chinese slang used to refer to male lesbians, it has its origin in the English expression Tomboy....