Mega Sableye & Tyranitar-GX·280 HP·{D} Pokémon(Sableye,Tyranitar)›Basic·is:GX,TAG TEAM {D}{D}{D}{D}{C}→Greedy Crush: 210 If your opponent’s Pokémon-GXor Pokémon-EXis Knocked Out by damage from this attack, take 1 more Prize card. ...
Mega 勾魂眼&班基拉斯-GX 宝可梦-TAG TEAM HP280 TAG TEAM 当TAG TEAM宝可梦被击败时,对方抽3张奖品卡。 贪婪粉碎 210 该技能击败对方宝可梦-GX或者宝可梦-EX时,多抽一张奖品卡。 十亿坠-GX 250 该宝可梦身上放置有额外5张能量卡时,弃置对方卡组最上面15张卡。(每场游戏只能使用一次GX技能。) ...
Mega Raids are going to be exciting throughout the month as numerous new Mega Pokémon will finally be making their appearance in the mobile game. These include Mega Tyranitar, Mega Sableye, Mega Blaziken, and Mega Blastoise, only a couple of which have been se...
Mega Sableye & Tyranitar-GX·280 HP·{D} Pokémon(Sableye,Tyranitar)›Basic·is:GX,TAG TEAM {D}{D}{D}{D}{C}→Greedy Crush: 210 If your opponent’s Pokémon-GXor Pokémon-EXis Knocked Out by damage from this attack, take 1 more Prize card. ...