Proxy: +1 +2 +3 +4 Expanded 591 $ / TCGplayer (11 hours ago)↗ ↓30.24 ꩜18.75 ↑44.69 Mega Sableye & Tyranitar-GX·280 HP·{D} Pokémon(Sableye,Tyranitar)›Basic·is:GX,TAG TEAM {D}{D}{D}{D}{C}→Greedy Crush: 210 ...
Mega 勾魂眼&班基拉斯-GX 宝可梦-TAG TEAM HP280 TAG TEAM 当TAG TEAM宝可梦被击败时,对方抽3张奖品卡。 贪婪粉碎 210 该技能击败对方宝可梦-GX或者宝可梦-EX时,多抽一张奖品卡。 十亿坠-GX 250 该宝可梦身上放置有额外5张能量卡时,弃置对方卡组最上面15张卡。(每场游戏只能使用一次GX技能。) ...
Mega Raids are going to be exciting throughout the month as numerous new Mega Pokémon will finally be making their appearance in the mobile game. These include Mega Tyranitar, Mega Sableye, Mega Blaziken, and Mega Blastoise, only a couple of which have been se...
Location: In Rustboro City, Steven’s dad, Mr. Stone will give you Mega Stone for Pidgeot. You need to provide him with the Intriguing Stone and he will give you this Mega Stone in return. Mega Slowbro – Slowbronite Location: While you are in Shoal Cave, you need to give a man...
The Pokédex entries for Mega-Evolved Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon mostly state that Mega Evolution greatly hurts certain species, such as Gyarados, Sableye, and Aerodactyl, prompting them to become violent. Contrarily, the Pokédex entr...
Sablenite Bought at the Battle Tree Mega Sableye Mawilite Distributed by event if the player typed the code INTIMIDATE. Upon doing this, they would receive a Mystery Gift with this Key Stone. Mega Mawile Medichamite Distributed by event if the player typed the code INTIMIDATE. Upon doing ...
Mega Sableye メガヤミラミ Magic Bounce 50 85 125 85 115 20 Sootopolis City #319 Mega Sharpedo メガサメハダー Strong Jaw 70 140 70 110 65 105 Battle Resort (Omega Ruby) Aqua Hideout - Delta Episode (Alpha Sapphire) #323 Mega Camerupt メガバクーダ Sheer Force 70 120 100 145 ...
0142 = Sableye 0143 = Glaceon 0144 = Leafeon 0145 = Luvdisc 0146 = Corphish 0147 = Crawdaunt 0148 = Feebas 0149 = Milotic 014a = Carvanha 014b = Sharpedo 014c = Trapinch 014d = Vibrava 014e = Flygon 014f = Riolu 0150 = Lucario ...
Slowbro-mega, Aggron-mega, Tyranitar-mega, Sableye-mega and other defensive pokes with lefties or other items become insanley good, while the usual ubers stall poke remain very good such as Arceus (mainly fairy and ground), Giratina or Chansey. I see people talk a lot about Salamence-...
25 26. Mega Tyranitar 26 25. Mega Aerodactyl 27 24. Mega Banette 28 23. Mega Sableye 29 22. Mega Salamence 30 21. Mega Aggron 31 20. Mega Camerupt 32 19. Mega Houndoom 33 18. Mega Sceptile 34 17. Mega Mawile 35 16. Mega Scizor 36 15. Mega Altaria 37 14. Mega Gengar 38 13...