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Discord - Discord是免费的语音和文本聊天客户端,适合玩家和非玩家。您可以从浏览器使用它,它可以在iOS,Android,Windows,Mac和Linux上使用。 Hexchat - 基于XChat的IRC客户端 LimeChat -即时通讯软件。 Messenger for Desktop - Facebook messenger 的桌面端程序。 mIRC - 互联网中继聊天(IRC)客户端。 Quassel...
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Submit a PR and it will be merged as soon as possible - REStake automatically updates from this repository so this will speed up the process a lot. If you want to contribute to improving the registry as a whole, check the issues or get in touch on Discord/Twitter/email/whereve...
Help me, I am having problems with installing Windows Subsystem For Android™ on Windows™ 10 I am not working on the patch, and nor claim to. Open an issue in the Discord or Github, and I will try to assist you with the problem if possible. For full support visit the project ...
Submit a PR and it will be merged as soon as possible - REStake automatically updates from this repository so this will speed up the process a lot. If you want to contribute to improving the registry as a whole, check the issues or get in touch on Discord/Twitter/email/whe...
Submit a PR and it will be merged as soon as possible - REStake automatically updates from this repository so this will speed up the process a lot. If you want to contribute to improving the registry as a whole, check the issues or get in touch on Discord/Twitter/email/wherev...
Submit a PR and it will be merged as soon as possible - REStake automatically updates from this repository so this will speed up the process a lot. If you want to contribute to improving the registry as a whole, check the issues or get in touch on Discord/Twitter/email/whe...