docs: add discord link to README Browse files main notpoiu authored Sep 8, 2024 Verified 1 parent 6590168 commit 30d55e6 Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 0 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions 2 Original file ...
yarn add @nextui-org/react # or npm i @nextui-org/react ``` ## Contribution 2. Setup: For NextUI to work correctly, you need to set up the `NextUIProvider` at the root of your application. Go to the root of your application and do this: ```jsx import {NextUIProvider} from ...
auto-add-routes 教程来源 介绍 为Windows平台上的全局代理VPN添加国内IP/域名分流功能。 文件说明: add.txt和del.txt为写入和删除时使用的路由表; routes-up.bat和routes-down.bat为Wireguard在连接前和断开后调用的写入/删除路由表的批处理文件。通过Wireguard的Pre/Post命令调用。 client_pre.bat和
If you don't know where to start check out our contribution guide or ask for help on Discord How to run project locally In the root directory of this project run yarn command to install all needed dependencies. After dependencies has been installed run yarn dev command to run this...
You must export the API token as an enviroment variable or add it to your .env file: export OPENAI_API_KEY='sk-..." Import and use the auto function: import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test"; import { auto } from "auto-playwright"; test("auto Playwright examp...
Below is an example on how to chat with CodeQwen1.5-base: from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM device = "cuda" # the device to load the model onto # Now you do not need to add "trust_remote_code=True" TOKENIZER = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Qwen/Code...
This will have everything to-do with the mobile api's encryption - [Discord]( ## Hosts * * * ## Login POST `` - Headers - Content-Type: application/x-...
So I've moved everything to route53, I had to add a few things to the terraform code, I needed a bit of help from people at the discord channel, to understand how DNS works, but I think I got it. If not i'll be back again tomorrow.21/8/2023...
Additionally, the plugin author may occasionally visit Obsidian official forum and official Discord server, and pay attention to this-plugin-related information there. ## Download and Install - Option #1: Search in the official "community plugin list", or visit this: [
Beszélgess velünk:Discord|Twitter|Reddit A RustDesk egy távoli elérésű asztali szoftver, Rust-ban írva. Működik mindenféle konfiguráció nélkül, feltelepítéssel, vagy anélkül. Az adataidat teljesen te kezeled, nincs szükség aggódásra a harmadik felek miatt. Haszn...