Hi, my name is Selianthe, I’m a yogini and a healer. I can support you with calming down your nervous system, deepen self-discovery, help you understand spiritual experiences, navigate challenges of being a highly sensitive person (empath/HSP) and connect you with your loved ones on the...
In this free guided meditation, we spend the hour doing a blend of mindfulness practices to ground ourselves in the body and connect to the heart before I lead you through 20 minutes of basic mindfulness meditation practice.In the last two community meditations, we’ve practiced a more blended...
Connect with your friends and loved ones, and share the life-changing journey of meditation with one other. Get started by heading to ‘Community’ and share your personal link!There is strength in numbers. Let’s work on ourselves together.—If you have any questions, please send an email...
Raise your consciousness to connect with loved ones in the Spirit World Preview Track Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Embarking on this guided journey of healing assists you in opening the doorway to peace and comfort in deep and profound ways...
Utilize time with loved ones. Create an individual experience together. Set calendar reminders and invites labeled “10-minute meditation.” Daily life can feel chaotic. And quick. A gentle nudge can hold us accountable while giving us something to look forward to. If a daily 10-minute meditati...
Taoists use meditation to find balance and improve their health. They focus on their energy and visualize things to achieve harmony. In Christianity, meditation involves reflecting on God’s teachings and feeling His presence. It’s a way to connect with God through prayer and contemplation. ...
the heart. I am always in awe about how accurate she is. She has the ability to contact loved ones who have passed over and give you messages from the other side. Alison is kind and compassionate and can help you in all areas of your life. I highly recommend having a reading with ...
Here’s a chance to be creative! It might be as simple as a scripture coloring page (Many free ones are available online.), a favorite Bible verse or quote written with colorful markers, or an inspiring photograph. Make your notebook a pleasure to pull off the shelf. ...
Connect with the most powerful force in the Universe… LOVE! In this guided meditation channeled by Melanie Beckler you will be guided by the guides, angels, and ascended masters of divine love to nurture and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit with the power of love. ...
Lightworkers can choose to tune into the energy, the Light coming in and go with the flow of it, and life can get easier as they make the necessary changes. There are previous posts which explain how to open that big heart, connect with intuition, and become aligned with the Light, so...