But most of those sales are of relatively cheap over-the-counter drugs, with many Chinese hospital doctors unwilling to prescribe TCM remedies because of the lack of evidence for their effectiveness.China’s first law promising equal status for TCM and western medicine in the country’s state-...
My problem other than addiction to prednisone is that no Dr. will treat me. My cardi says its not his problem, even my primary will not treat me. Says she will not prescribe prednisone. An endo. Dr. at John Hopkins prescribed me 1 mg. tablets last year with refil, however, I am do...
Ranbaxy’s executives would understand. But no amount of explaining seemed to change how the company did business. When sales of a diabetes drug were sluggish, she says, one executive asked Spreen if she could use her medical license to prescribe the drug to everyone in the company so they ...
Conclusions The ability to prescribe medicines off label brings greater latitude to turn scientific knowledge into innovative clinical practice. Although attention should be given to the situations where evidence-based off-label use is clinically beneficial, policy makers must begin to consider strategies ...
The role of physicians in making the necessary judgements about the medicines that they prescribe is often referred to as an art, reflecting the lack of objective data available to make decisions that are tailored to individual patients. Just over a hundred years later we are on the verge of ...
In conclusion, ways to overcome these constraints shall be discussed, in order to allow future TCM professionals to acquire the necessary skills to prescribe Chinese medicine in medicines category. Keywords: Chinese medicine; modernisation; higher education; clinical training; prescription. ...
Aguila Calderon, M.D., is the former Dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine at the National University of Federico Villarreal in Lima. In his medical practice, Dr. Calderon prescribes maca for male impotence, erectile dysfunction, menopausal symptoms and general fatigue. “Maca has a lot of ...
29-34 Computer software programs have been introduced and recommended as a drug treatment quality assurance tool, aiming at reminding prescribers of potential important drug-drug and drug-disease interactions.35-38 However, this approach is only applicable in hospitals with direct computer entry of ...
18,19 Impairment of left ventricular function and the use of diuretics are independent predictors of failure to prescribe β-blockers to infarct survivors. The presence of vascular disease in diabetes often leads to avoidance of β-blockers.20 The percentage of infarct survivors receiving β-...
Your vet will prescribe specific treatment for flukes since they are not killed with traditional deworming medications. THELAZIA or eye worms are a problem in a few areas. They cause conjunctivitis and irritation of the cornea, which can lead to blindness if untreated. Your veterinarian removes ...