•Medicalwordscomposedofwordelements, alsoknownaswordparts,andconsistingof someorallofthefollowingelements: •Wordroot(WR) •Combiningform(CF) •Suffix •Prefix 1 BASICELEMENTSOFAMEDICALWORD 3 WordElementsWordElements •WordRoot(WR) •Foundationofthewordthatcontainsitsmain ...
hemi prefix; half hypo below under lip/o prefix; fat macro prefix; large or abnormal size -megaly enlargement of an organ or body part micro prefix; small nephro prefix; kidney CC chief complaint; main reason a patient seeks medical care EKG/ECG test that measures the electrical activity of...
Attheendofthecourse,studentswillbeableto: Identifyanddescribethemajororgansystemsofthebody. Describethemajordiseasesanddisordersaffectingeachbodysystem. Definewordroots,combiningforms,prefixes,andsuffixesofmedicalterms. * DrAtefMasad * Definenewandunfamiliarwordsbyanalyzingtheelementsofmedicalterminology. ...
29、agic Arthroscope Pediatric gastroenterologist,More practice words:,Periarticular Supraauricular Intracranial Hypertension,Hyperuricemia Antiverted Pericardiocentesis Tachycardia,Which words have prefixes?,Gastritis Appendectomy Prenatal Pedal,Oncologist Hemithorax Paraplegia Retrocardiac,What are the root words?
in a position away from the midline of the body ___ 4. position toward the midline of the body ___ Identify and define the prefixes in the following words: Prefix Meaning of Prefix 5. displace and dislocate ___ ___ 6. replacement, recovery, and rehabilitation ___ ___ 7. avascular...
M1 beweging Groningen Toetsvragen Beweging Electronic Health Record NHA CBCS Exam Medical roots Doug Best's Medical Terminology On-Line Class - 2/09 toetsvragen opleiding Groningen Medical Terminology: Root Words Combining Form, Suffix, Prefix & Meaning...
All medical words contain one or more ? Conveys fundamental meaning ? Latin; Greek; Old English Example: HEPAT/ITIS "HEPAT" (liver) is the word root. SUFFIX ? Medical terms may/may not contain a suffix ? Attached to the end of a word root ? Alters or modifies the meaning ? Change ...
12) Inflammation of a sweat gland is known as which of the following terms? (A) Colitis (B) Fasciitis (C) Hidradenitis (D) Pimelitis (E) Rhinitis 13) The prefix meaning outside or outer is which of the following? (A) Ana-