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snake Trivial name for limbless members of suborder Ophidia, of medical interest, primarily because snakes have poisonous venom containing hemotoxins and/or neurotoxins; venomous North American snakes belong to either the viper family Crotilidae–rattlesnake, copperhead, water moccasin, or to Elapidae,...
Recommendations are to manage confirmed bites from this species without Indian anti-snake venom. In areas where this snake is found to be a significant contributor to envenomations, alternative anti-snake venoms can be sourced from outside India for use in high-risk groups. Continuing attention ...
The coronavirus pandemic has kept us inside since March, but one positive effect is that it has created time for me to work on some projects of my own and to learn some new skills. I’ve spent a good bit of my quarantine time learning to use the open-source 3D software, Blender, and...
taipan snake venom time Dictionary Thesaurus Legal Acronyms Encyclopedia Atesttodeterminethepresenceoflupusanticoagulantin abloodspecimen.ThetestreliesonthemixingofvenomfromsnakesofthegenusOxyuranuswithdilutephospholipidandcanbeusedeveninpatientsreceivingwarfarinanticoagulation. ...
The meaning of RINGHALS is a venomous African elapid snake (Haemachates haemachatus) that rarely bites but when threatened spits a venom that is harmless to intact skin but may cause severe damage to the eyes upon contact.
venomics venomosalivary venomotor venomous venomous snake veno-occlusive veno-occlusive disease venoocclusive disease of liver venoocclusive disease of the liver venoperitoneostomy venopressor venorespiratory reflex venosclerosis venose venosinal venosity venospasm venostasis venostat venostomy venothrombotic...
(a larger and more permanent snake farm at Barberton is being planned and a valuable agreement has been made with the director of the Pasteur Institute, Brazzaville, French Equatorial Africa; for the supply of venoms from equatorial snakes); and a unit for catching gerbils for the use of ...
venom Toxicology A poisonous substance produced by an insect or animal, stored in specific sacs and sundry sites, and released by biting or stinging; venoms, the original biological weapons, are used for defense and to capture prey. See Snake venom, Yellow jacket venom. McGraw-Hill Concise Di...
A recent case of plant poisoning in France concerned Datura, or moonflower, a plant that has become popular with young people trying to imitate Native American puberty rites. Other cases of plant poisoning result from the use of herbal dietary supplements that have been contaminated by toxic ...