“Fluency” matters, but technically it refers to the fluidity of speech. Our certification test measures your medical Spanish language “proficiency”. The responsible use of medical Spanish must adhere to the highest standards for applied language and cultural competency in professional practice. Read...
Place speech-recognized text into any clinical or non-clinical Windows-based application, including the Microsoft Office® Suite, and EHRs. Automatic Updates Work with confidence knowing you always have access to the latest security and performance updates. Cloud-Based Convenience Easy single-voice...
: Jesus Perez-Sabido, Practice Management Information Corporation, 1994. $29.95Author links open overlay panelJohn M. Howell MD, FACEPShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite https://doi.org/10.1016/0735-6757(94)90167-8Get rights and content...
that’s leaves. Nonetheless, this RNA polymerase sports the latest fall colors, inspired by the view from my windows.RNA Polymerasescreate strands of RNA from a DNA template in the nucleus. The RNA can go on to be used in the process ...
& Desgarennes, P.M.C. (2010). Importancia de las biopeliculas en la practica medica (Importance of biofilms in medical practice). Revista Mexicana de Dermatologia, 54, 14-24.Castrillon-Rivera LE, Palma-Ramos A, Padilla-Desgarennes MC. Importancia de las biopeliculas en la prac...
Thus, the objectives of this study were to cross-culturally adapt the Evidence-Based Practice Confidence Scale (EPIC) for Spanish-speaking OT students and professionals and to evaluate its internal consistency, test–retest reliability, and construct validity. Methods A professional translation and ...
2star ratings 0 1star ratings Our customers’ reviews, independently moderated and managed by feefo.Based on748total reviews. Insurance made simple! Stephanie 2 days ago I was floored by how helpful everyone was. I find insurance so confusing and somehow yo... ...
medical workforce relative to the general US population and include people who identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander; Black or African American; Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin; or multiracial with 1 identity being an URM race and/or ...
When you are on good terms with your dermatologist, ask this question: “When you started your practice, did you start from scratch?” Be careful when you eat spoiled Toe-fu, you may get Toe-mane poisoning! Kindly sent in by Robert Lai. How Smart is Your Right Foot? This is so frust...
For my first twenty years in general practice, I worked in partnership with a famous man who happened also to be a great man. I’d heard of him before we met. His name was Donald Cordner, famed as the sole doctor ever to win a Brownlow Medal in Australian football. I learned you wi...