el test (M) I have to take an aptitude test before entering the program.Tengo que pasar un test de aptitud antes de entrar al programa 2. (medical analysis) a. la prueba (F) The doctor ran a series of tests to try to find the problem.El doctor hizo una serie de pruebas para ...
Medical Spanish for Health Professionals Medical Spanish Vocabulary Search the medical dictionary Word or phrase: Click on any letter below to view the medical terms beginning with that letter. Each medical Spanish term includes the Spanish and English translations, as well as the popular or slang ...
Spanish Vocabulary: Medical and Entertainment Terms 51個詞語 ParisGustafson 預覽 SPAN 203- chapt 3 vocab (pg. 101, including pg 84-85) 71個詞語 gracedowd19 預覽 Leccion 2 37個詞語 jdoran281 預覽 Animales Domésticos y Salvajes 96個詞語 Mintelyy 預覽 Palabras Afirmativos y Negativos 9個詞語...
UNIT 1 LESSON 1 QUIZLET VOCABULARY-Emma Meier 43個詞語 emeier000 預覽 Basic Spanish Vocabulary and Greetings 61個詞語 scasciano28 預覽 Trisular Past Tense Verbs in Spanish 10個詞語 Luke102008 預覽 Spanish Vocab! 129個詞語 GraceKQuinn 預覽 Los verbos reflexivos 22個詞語 RedRabbit25093 預覽 Los...
Or suppose you've cut yourself badly. You should go to the emergency room to get some stitches. In this lesson, you will be learning vocabulary related to doctors' offices and hospitals, just in case you ever need medical attention while traveling in a Spanish-speaking country. View Video...
Spanish Vocabulary: Terms Related to Health & Hospitals from Chapter 28 / Lesson 1 24K When learning Spanish, knowing the vocabulary related to health and hospitals could save your life. Learn the terms for visiting a doctor's office and going to the emergency room, then test your knowledge...
Or maybe you want to learn the vocabulary you’re likely to need on a hiking holiday. Whatever your preferences, there’s always something your tutor can do to personalize the class. A study by RAND Corporation found that personalized learning can help you improve more quickly than a one-...
It hasgrammar and vocabulary courses for all six of the CEFR levels, A1 through C2.There are also six Spanish business courses (including medical Spanish, presenting and negotiating, etc.), a pronunciation course, two vocabulary-only courses and more. ...
Listening, Speaking, Pronunciation, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar and Activities Class schedule Course duration 1-4 weeks Classes per week 25 lessons per week (each lesson lasts 55 min) Class days Monday - Friday School holidays 17 Apr 2025, 18 Apr 2025, 21 Apr 2025, 01 May...
Medical Spanish Vocab 88個詞語 ShivaSachin 預覽 Acción de Gracias 老師43個詞語 yasminJaffe 預覽 Cap. 4 La Familia 老師27個詞語 SraHerr2017 預覽 1/19 Hoy es miércoles el 19 de enero 12個詞語 matthewshi2163 預覽 Capitulo 4- spanish Vocabulary 74個詞語 Mia_Salicrup 預覽 vocab-page 70 creat...