The importance of medical terminology for health professionals is indisputable, but when it comes to the learning of English medical terminology, it is quite often regarded as a boring, time-consuming and seemingly rewardless effort. 我国目前的英语医学术语学习课程大多数都是采用教室内面对面授课的形...
Medical Dictionary is intended for use by healthcare consumers, students, and professionals as well as anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology found in today’s medical news. By staying clear of jargon, the dictionary offers
osteoarthritis A progressive, degenerative joint disease, the most common form of arthritis. osteoblastoma A benign, painful, vascular tumor of bone marked by the formation of osteoid tissue, primitive bone and calcified tissue. osteochondritis Inflammation of a bone and its overlaying cartilage. os...
Medical Dictionary is intended for use by healthcare consumers, students, and professionals as well as anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology found in today’s medical news. By staying clear of jargon, the dictionary offers
From the Latin terminology per os. p.r.n.: As needed. So that it is not always done, but done only when the situation calls for it (for example, taking pain medication only when having pain and not without pain). PCL: Posterior cruciate ligament. PD: Progressive disease. Patients at ...
医学英文课件MedicalTerminology 5MedicalTerminology ▪Identifythefourmedicalterminologywordparts.▪Defineandrecallkeymedicalterminology.▪Applythecommonmedicalterminologyandabbreviationsfor eachbodysystem.▪Distinguishcommonmedicalabbreviations.▪Recognizeandavoidusingcommonly-misusedabbreviations.Chapter5MedicalTerminology...
medicalterminology 系统标签: osteterminologychondrarthrthoracmyel MedicalTerminology Unit4 Orthopedics,Osteopathy,andBody Regions Pronunciation o/pathy o/lysis o/stasis o/meter o/stomy o/logy o/trophy o/clysis o/graphy o/metry o/tomy Oste/o=Bone Osteon=bone Oste/o/pathy:diseaseofthebones Doctor...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook ad·nex·i·tis (ad-nek-sī'tis), Inflammation of the adnexa uteri. [L.annexa,adnexa, +-itis,inflammation] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 adnexitis ...
医学英语5-7Medical Terminology-introductionandwordparts-L1-Chen.ppt,* 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. syn-; together 7. ex-; away from, outside (extract, remove it from a large part) 8. ecto-; out, outside (ectopic pregnancy) 9. sym-; together (symbiosis, cl
osteoarthritis (OA) joint replaced by bone rheumatoid arthritis (RA) autoimmune disease where white blood cells attack joints ankyl/o crooked, stiff, bent arthr/o, articul/o joint burs/o purse or sac carp/o wrist chondr/o cartilage