The criteria(标准)for repeat UAE(子宫动脉栓塞)included symptomatic iable fibroid tumors(纤维瘤), persistent pelvic pain(骨盆痛), and menorrhagia. 5. - fugal 离开 a moving away centrifugal [senˈtrɪfjəɡl] 离心 往期文章医学单词总...
agon contest, struggle ala wing alb white algo pain alien stranger, strange allelo one another, ...
-graft organ/tissue used for transplantation to replace Lesson-5-examples Myasthenia肌无力 Osteomalacia骨软化 Diplococcus双球菌 Xenograft异种移植 Arthrocentesis关节穿刺术 Gastrorrhaphy胃缝合术 lesson-6-Anatomical term 1 head and neck anatomy Cephal(o)- head Facio- face Crani(o)- skull Trich(o)- ...
Noci-: denoting pain or injury Herni(o)-: Hernia Necro-: death -praxia: motor activity -taxia: relating to motor activity -lexia: condition involving reading -lalia/ -logia: condition involving speech -algesia: denoting pain -algia: denoting pain -genic: producing -genesis: origin or develo...
医学英语5-7Medical Terminology-introductionandwordparts-L1-Chen.ppt,* 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. syn-; together 7. ex-; away from, outside (extract, remove it from a large part) 8. ecto-; out, outside (ectopic pregnancy) 9. sym-; together (symbiosis, cl
Medical Terminology Basics, Body Structure, & Organ Systems Unit Test 23個詞語 Rea_Marrale預覽 Med Term Final 88個詞語 mlea0010預覽 EMT Chapter 5: Medical Terminology 31個詞語 dominic_campa12預覽 apw period 4 19個詞語 Tre_Odum預覽 Medical Terminology Reproduction and Nervous System 53個詞語 sara...
Chapter 3 Stedman's Medical Terminology Steps to Success in Medical Language Medical Record Library Medical Record 3-1 FOLLOW-UP NOTE The patient is a 46-year-old white female with a diagnosis of stage IIB (T2, N1, M0) large cell carcinoma of the right upper lobe status post right upper...
The trachea is a cartilaginous structure located at the neck and is part of the respiratory tract. It is a tube that connects the pharynx to the bronchi and helps in the passage of air in and out of the lungs.Answer and Explanation: ...
1、medical terminology 医学 术语学 (yi xue shu yu xue) introduction to the first edition of medical terminology this is to serve as an introduction to medical terminology that is commonly in use by the english speaking international medical community. this book is put together with the chinese ...
Lecture 25-Head and Neck V: anterior and posterior triangles of the neck 老師20個詞語 kkgrecsec預覽 Chapter 21/22 Questions non-canvas 20個詞語 karla621預覽 Nervous system 120個詞語 agspear1預覽 Neuro Quiz 4 136個詞語 margaret_bauchat預覽 UARK Anatomy Lab Exam 4 - specimens 226個詞語 alicy...