What is the correct medical term meaning 'straightening a limb?' What is the correct medical term meaning 'toward the front?' What is the correct medical term meaning 'situated at the back?' What is the correct medical term meaning 'middle of the body?' Build a medical word that means: ...
abnormal smallness of the head 小头(畸形) pertaining to the neck and face 颈颜面的 outside thorax 胸腔外的 within abdomen 腹内的 the cervic/o neck thorac/o chest, thorax ['θɔ:ræks] n. 胸,胸廓 abdomen ['ædbəmən] n. 腹部 abdomin/o the celi/o lapar/o abdomen abdomi...
pertaining to the neck and shaft of a long bone, especially the femur. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
10) The combining form "cephal/o" refers to which of the following? (A) Abdomen (B) Head (C) Neck (D) Ribs (E) Spine 11) The prefix pertaining to fingernail is which of the following terms? (A) Odont- (B) Olfact- (C) Omphal- (D) Onco- (E) Onych- 12) Inflammation of ...
term) (from Latin caudum; tail), used to describe how close something isto the trailing end of an organism.Caudal artery, the portion of the dorsal aorta of a vertebrate that passes into the tail. Caudal cell mass, the aggregate of undifferentiated cells at the caudal end on the spine....
Pertaining to a condition of blueness -tic = adjective suffix for “pertaining to” Acr/o/cyan/osis: Blueness of the extremities Cyan/o/derma: Bluish discoloration of the skin Xiao-Ping Chen 2015 Xiao-Ping Chen 2015 Exercise 3-1 Xiao-Ping Chen 2015 Exercise 3-2 Xiao-Ping Chen 2015 Xiao...
"HONmedia (the image gallery) is an unique repository of over 6'800 medical images and videos, pertaining to 1,700 topics and themes. This peerless database has been created manually by HON and new image links are constantly being added from the world-wide Web. HON encourages users to ...
an abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe hemarthrosis blood within a joint hematopoietic pertaining to the formation of blood cells internal fixation fracture treatment in which pins or a plate are placed directly into the bone to hold the broken pieces in place juvenile...
-graft organ/tissue used for transplantation to replace Lesson-5-examples Myasthenia肌无力 Osteomalacia骨软化 Diplococcus双球菌 Xenograft异种移植 Arthrocentesis关节穿刺术 Gastrorrhaphy胃缝合术 lesson-6-Anatomical term 1 head and neck anatomy Cephal(o)- head ...
1.pertaining to thelungs; called alsopulmonicandpneumonic. 2.pertaining to the pulmonary artery. pulmonary acid aspiration syndromea disorder produced as a complication of inhalation of gastric contents; it may progress to a syndrome resemblingacute respiratory distress syndrome. ...