What does the term mean in medical? 1.a definite period, especially the period of gestation, or pregnancy. 2. What does phrenic mean in medical terms? 1 :of or relating to the diaphragm. 2 : of or relating to the mind. What is the root of anosmia?
Speaking of sweat, you may be wondering what medical term is used to refer to sweating or an abnormal amount of sweat. Rather than sweat the small stuff, we decided to investigate the answer to this clammy conundrum. Cool off by taking a look below! What is the medical term forsweating?
Medicalterm医学术语Whatarethesymptomsofanaemia?贫血的症状是 什么? Youcanpeeyouselfnow?=== Whatcausesperniciousanaemia?恶性贫血的原 Youcanpeenow?你现在可以 因? 小便了吗?Canbefoundinfreshfruit?你可以找到新鲜的水果 Canyourepeatitplease?你能在吗? 重复...
Virtual Reality (VR) has been aiding patients and hospital staff in unexpected ways. Most notably, VR has been successful in helping patients manage their long-term chronic pain and mental health conditions. Augmented Reality (AR) also providesdigital informationfor surgeons as they work, eliminating...
COPD is caused by long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, chemicals or fumes at work, air pollution, or other irritants. Over time, exposure to these toxic substances damages the airways and makes them less elastic. The walls between the air sacs are destroyed, making it difficult for the al...
Some Diseases can also cause bad breath- Chronic lung infections and lung abscesses can produce very foul-smelling breath. Other illnesses, such as some cancers and certain metabolic disorders, can cause a distinctive breath odor. Kidney failure can cause a urine-like odor, and liver failure may...
Ectopic pregnancy, also known as extra-uterine pregnancy, derives its name from the Greek term “ektopos,” which signifies being out of place [1]. Ectopic pregnancy is believed to be found in as many as 1–2% of pregnancies in the USA. However, this may be an underestimate, as this ...
A popular term for oral and mucocutaneous candidiasis, first used by Samuel Pepys in 1665, which is characterised by erythematous intraoral lesion overlaid by white, creamy patches that correspond to necrotic debris, squames, fibrin, inflammatory cells, fungal hyphae and bacteria ...
Misleading term for anomalous or deficient color vision; complete color blindness is the absence of one of the primary cone pigments of the retina. See:protanopia,deuteranopia,tritanopia Synonym(s):colour blindness. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 ...
The adoption of a vegetarian diet, which may have minimal amounts of animal proteins; the vegetarian diet consists mainly of whole-grain cereals, pulses (lentils, beans and peas), fresh and dried fruits and nuts, as well as dairy products. The term partial vegetarianism is used for vegetaria...