COPD is caused by long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, chemicals or fumes at work, air pollution, or other irritants. Over time, exposure to these toxic substances damages the airways and makes them less elastic. The walls between the air sacs are destroyed, making it difficult for the al...
but people tell me that is from my chest muscles being worked. She get a little dizzy also. When she go to bed at night sometimes it seems hard to breathe. She can take a deep breath and everything but it seems hard or something. I know there isn't anything wrong with my heart be...
You do not want to have to reach for a medical dictionary every time you are told to do something. If you are unsure, it is better to check your dictionary than get something wrong. However, witha basic understanding of medical terminology, you will be able to communicate quickly and effi...
Chairs should be made of materials that are not stained absorbing. And the waiting area should be neutral smelling but fresh. If you have windows and there are no cool drafts, it’s a nice touch to have one ajar so to let in some fresh air.How...
day, 60 days after his admission and after I had returned from a short vacation, I came in to see him. He looked better but still wasn’t eating. We had tried many times to feed him, but his GI tract simply would not tolerate food. However, today something looked different. So, we...
Do not restrain the person seizing or try to stop their movements. Turn the patient onto his or her side and put something soft beneath the patient's head to help breathing. Do not place anything inside the person's mouth. Time the seizure; if it lasts five minutes or longer, call 911...
Never throw needles into the normal trash.Gloves (Not Mandatory): Should be used on a more hygienic note, but clean hands would suffice.Cotton Ball or Gauze: For pressure following the injection.Adhesive Bandage: If there is bleeding after the injection, a bandage may be necessary to cover ...
There are some home remedies to help your child's ear pain. Ear drops can bring relief, but these should not be used without checking with your child's doctor first. Over-the-counter pain and fever medications such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are used. However, you should never give asp...
The senior partner, who is more than 65 years old, is wiping down the keyboards, mice, and handles with disinfectant to cleanse fomites containing the coronavirus (fomite comes from the Latinfomesmeaning “tinder,” a term for something that can start an infection first used in 1546 by Girola...
If something goes wrong during a dive, there is a backup that can get you out of jam so that you can safely continue, or if necessary (and more likely the case), end that dive and formulate a plan for future dives. Think of needing to end the dive as a downtime procedure. In ...