[L. pronus, bending down or forward] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 prone (prōn) adj. Lying with the front or face downward. adv. In a prone manner: The patient was lying prone on the bed. prone′ly adv. prone′ness n. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook pro·cur·va·tion (prō'kŭr-vā'shŭn), Rarely used term for a bending forward. [L.pro-curvo,to bend forward] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page,...
There’s actually a medical term for this: “ponytail headache syndrome.” This disorder doesn’t affect everyone, but those who experience it know this can be a painfully frustrating type of discomfort. Ponytail headache syndrome seems to be a type of allodynia. Allodynia, which is associated ...
As nanotechnology keeps moving forward, drug delivery has become one of the most widespread functions of nanorobots in cancer therapy. Nano-drug carriers have been developed with some evident features, including small sizes, large specific surface area/internal void volumes, and outstanding physicochemica...
nanorobots must be fabricated with biocompatible materials and components to circumvent eliciting adverse reactions or immune responses. This requirement necessitates meticulous contemplation of various factors, such as the selection of materials, surface chemistry, and potential for long-term accumulation with...
a lateral convex shape with a scintillating edge, leaving a varying amount of scotomata in its wake, which is characteristic of the aura that precedes visual migraines. This phenomenon was also know by the fanciful term, Maginot line pattern, so named for the jagged, slightly off-center lines...
4.thepasthistoryshouldincludehistoryoftrauma,historyoftuberculosisandotherinfectiousdiseases,aswellasthelong-termhistoryofdrugtreatment(especiallyhormonedrugs)history,drugreaction,allergy,bleedingtendency,etc.. 5.histories,suchasoccupation,experience,laborandwork,etc.. Thefamilyhistoryofthe6.familyhistoryoftuberculosi...
There are 2 forms of osteoporosis: primary, which is commonly postmenopausal, or senile, and secondary, which is a manifestation of immobilization, underlying medical disorders, or long-term use of certain medications. Osteoporosis most often presents clinically with fractures (most commonly, vertebral...
Orthoplast deteriorates with long-term use, limiting its usefulness in prophylaxis and for chronic ankle sprains. Stabilizing Shoes Several shoe designs have been used for prevention and treatment of ankle sprains. Acute injury, rehabilitation, and chronic instability: The use of ankle-stabilizing ...
This procedure can be provided on an outpatient basis and would require a short term (2-6 hour) observation. If the procedure and patient require greater pain control, then spinal anesthesia or a general anesthesia may be used for patients which qualify for their use. This would mandate that...