Lean forward like firemen pulling a hose —Miller Williams Tilting like a paper cutout —Susan Minot Twisted as an old paint tube —Fannie Hurst A very old lady, her back curved over like a snail’s —Daphne Merkin Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All right...
Medical Encyclopedia Related to bent grass:Colonial bentgrass alsobent grass(bĕnt′grăs′) n. Any of various grasses of the genusAgrostisthat have fine blades, form dense mats, and are often used for lawns, athletic fields, and golf courses. ...
"One important element of effective communication is having a shared language or at least a shared understanding of the meaning of the central words used in a conversation. One term that is often used in discussions between patients and medical providers, in the academic literature, and in policy...
My job was to follow behind the runners in an ambulance (救护车) in case any of them needed medical care. "We're supposed to stay behind the last runner so drive slowly " I said to the driver Doug as we began to move forward. As they began to pace themselves (控制自己的步速) ,...
Inspirational travel stories and tips on long-term travel. I quit my job to explore the world. You can too. By Bronwyn Kienapple
“Sin” is a term from archery that means “missing the mark.” Yes, indeed, I can say the ills of my marriage certainly involved missing the mark in so many of the areas of dreams and hopes and expectations. The news for me is that I have finally begun to look at how I might ...
To arrive at their prescription, the scientists tested the “spacing effect“ on long-term memory. In other words, they wanted to know how the time gap between study sessions influences the ability to remember material on test day. They asked 1,354 volunteers to memorize 32 trivial facts, ...
These aspects render XFI advantageous for various pre-clinical applications, such as long-term treatment response characterization, disease progression tracking, and applications requiring repeated measurements in the same subject (e.g., endogenous biodistribution studies, drug pharmacokinetics, contrast ...