90% of all autopsies should be completed within 60 days of death. The NAME has never accredited Mississippi, which has the highest backlog in the nation. The Mississippi State Medical Examiner’s Office was waiting for about1,300
Usually results such as these through a medical examiner’s office are 4-6 weeks. However, if the patient was a medical patient and seen in the emergency department, these tests likely would have been done and would be resulted fairly immediately. The family could request a copy of the char...
-Alison Krywanczyk, MD, FASCP, is currently a Deputy Medical Examiner at the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office. Author LablogatoryPosted on October 24, 2024Categories forensicsTags forensic pathology, forensicsLeave a comment on Bearing Witness Coagulation Case Study: A 31 Year Old Female...