Job opportunities for the Medical Examiner's Office can be found by visiting the county'semployment opportunitiespage. Child Loss Support (616) 632-7039 Target Population Families who have lost a child under age eighteen. Services This program provides bereavement counseling, education, and support ...
career opportunities tuition & financial aid admissions & starting dates 1 Stanford University School Info School locations: California (1 campus) Program Info Areas of study you may find at Stanford University include: Graduate: Doctorate, First Professional Degree, Master Undergraduate: Bachelor ...
Re-certification is easy and low cost. Re-Certification Purchase Study Guides Your allied-health certification exam is incredibly important. It is a gateway to one of the greatest and most respected careers. Study Guides PreviousNext 1 2
The field of forensic science offers a host of job opportunities, each of which has unique educational and skills requirements. Professor of criminology Dale Nute identifies six general areas of forensic science practice: medical examiner, crime lab analyst, crime scene examiner, forensic engineer, te...
The aim of this comparatively long assessment process is to provide assessors with multiple opportunities to assess the performance of IMGs.6 This in turn, provides the IMGs with the opportunity to improve their performance. The assessment includes 12 Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercises (Mini-CEXs)...
9 Women: 9.59 Facilitator P-value Average 0.025 Men: 8.49 Women: 8.62 Examiner P-value Average 0.627 Men: 8.47 Women: 8.67 Planner P-value Average 0.508 Men: 8.56 Women: 8.16 Resource developer P-value Average 0.200 Men: 8.47 Women: 5.25 P-value Abbreviation: ANOVA, analysis of variance. ...
Participants reported the immediate benefits of the research project to their clinical careers were limited, consisting mainly of providing a point of differentiation in interviews for consultant appointments and networking opportunities. For the subset of participants who were pursuing, or planned to pursu...
The medical students did not receive any additional introduction to the EPA concept, and as the concept was not yet implemented formally, a procedure for entrustment decisions by an examiner or a entrustment committee based on collected ad-hoc assessments had not been established. Data collection ...
AL is a member of the national PT working group and a PT examiner, which might have led to assumptions on study behaviour based on her experience with the PT and conversations with students in the past. Her involvement with the PT was very valuable in reflecting on the interview data, and...
Examiners were united in their view that the high educational value of the long case meant it should be retained despite its challenges: [Examiner 2] "I've always told the students: the stu- dents that do the best are the students that talk to the most patients, examine the most ...