We would go further: as pioneers of publishing ethics and academic standards, we call on The Lancet Digital Health and the Lancet family to initiate rigorous exchanges around the implications of AI-generated content within scholarly publishing, with a view to creating comprehensive guidance. ChatGPT...
GET UPDATES ON THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC AND SCHOLARLY RESEARCH FINDINGS INFORMATION, STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX Journals JSciMed Central, an Open Access publisher of academic journals provides a platform for all the researchers, scientists, doctors, students to update with the latest advancements in Science,...
“no ethics, no publication”. Guidelines such as the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (previously known as Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts) [11] and the ...
We envision this as a first step towards the more ambitious goal of creating the basis for a truly interdisciplinary methodology for scholarly work that breaks the barriers between “developers” and “users” of tools, and that welcomes equally the contributions of interactive systems designers, cor...
36 compared linguistic and semantic characteristics of articles from social sciences and medicine, showing differences in the word count, clout and tone between the disciplines. However, to our knowledge, no studies have assessed the conclusiveness, readability and language characteristics of PLSs ...
Nurses do unmistakably, and the work involves both generous scholarly and authoritative capability. Their capacity to make workarounds to broken or useless frameworks is unbelievable in human services. Attendants and other bleeding edge staff must assume key jobs. To profit by the understanding and ...
Academic publishing is a cornerstone of scholarly communications, yet is unfortunately open to abuse, having given rise to ‘predatory publishers’– groups that employ aggressive marketing tactics, are deficient in methods and ethics, and bypass peer review. Preventing these predatory publishers from in...
The problem with adopting a marathon mindset Sarah Burm WHEN I SAY When I say… appreciative inquiry Bharat Kumar, Manish Suneja Melissa Swee When I say … imposter syndrome Michael Gottlieb RESEARCH ARTICLES FEEDBACK Meaning making about ...
Text mining of scholarly literature for the purpose of information extraction is an effective method to keep up with the latest research findings. The first step of information extraction is called entity recognition (NER) [20]. Biomedical NER aims to identify related entities in text, such as ...
Medical schools have increasingly encouraged students to become life-long, self-directed learners because of the continual changes in the evidence-based healthcare environment. Science is often applied in everyday life, including translating knowledge from scholarly fields [66]. However, there is a va...