Health care providers and patient advocates have been pushing the legislature for years to enact Medicaid expansion. It would allow about 600,000 people, many of them adults without dependent children, to sign up for health insurance. The federal government will pay 90 percent of the cost of ad...
Opposers call for a full Medicaid expansion with no work requirement, which could help around 500,000 low-income Georgians. However, Kemp hopes to keep long-term costs down with his transitional plan. He intends for Pathways to be a stepping stone for recipients eventually getting private insur...
13, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- With the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare, fewer Americans are uninsured and more are getting their blood pressure and blood sugar under control, a new study finds. The gains are especially strong among Black and Hispanic patients, according to ...
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Medicaid expansion efforts fizzled and died Thursday in Republican-led Mississippi because top lawmakers could not agree on a final proposal t…
The soaring tab for the state-federal program could also harden opposition to expansion in the 19 states that have yet to sign up. The situation will be one of the thorny issues the next president will have to address, with the health care of millions of Americans hanging in the balance....
Sign up for the KOWB 1290 Newsletter It is believed that about 24,000 to 25,000 people in Wyoming who don't currently have health insurance would be eligible under the expansion, although opponents worry that number could end up being much higher. The federal government currently picks up 90...
HOLTON — Gov. Laura Kelly on Thursday unveiled her proposal for a Medicaid expansion package that includes a work requirement, revenue streams to offset the s
As of Wednesday, 590,331 people were enrolled in Medicaid expansion in North Carolina, according to the Division of Health Benefits.At the expansion's start on Dec. 1, 2023,Cooper’s administration had estimated the state would reach 600,000 within two ...
His giant COVID-19 relief bill significantly increased subsidies for private health plans offered through the ACA’s insurance markets, while also dangling higher federal payments before the states that have declined the law’s Medicaid expansion. About 1.2 million people have signed up with ...
Owing to prior Medicaid eligibility expansion in Massachusetts and coverage of adults up to 100% of the FPL in Wisconsin, these 2 states were excluded from the main analysis. Another 6 states (California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Washington) had limited ...