Starting a private medical practice isn’t like starting any other type of business. After all, most other types of companies don’t literally have their customers’ lives in their hands, not to mention all the regulatory concerns this endeavor entails. With this guide, you have the fundamental...
Naomi Strauss
identified that lead people to get HIV infected, that lead people to be more vulnerable, that lead people to get incarcerated, that lead people to our clinics. You know, the reason why we needed to create systems and structures like the Ryan White program, why we need to expand Medicaid?
However, it’s important to note that the decision to expand Medicaid was left to individual states, leading to variations in eligibility criteria and availability of coverage. This resulted in ongoing debates and discussions about the program’s impact on state budgets, healthcare access, and the...
This would be a marked departure from the current system, under which state politicians have generally been able to expand Medicaid services and eligibility only to the extent that they could convince voters that the increases would be funded largely by the federal government. Some politicians have...
In states' hands: how the decision to expand Medicaid will affect the most financially vulnerable Americans: findings from the Commonwealth Fund Health Ins... Between 2010 and 2012, nearly one-third (32%) of U.S. adults ages 19 to 64, or an estimated 55 million people, were either contin...
The science is clear that efforts to expand health insurance coverage—notably the ACA and Medicaid expansion—improve outcomes,7 but the new administration is expected to end ACA subsidies and to find ways to limit Medicaid coverage and enrollment. The courts will soon rule on Braidwood Management...
19 of the Trump states also rank in the top half of states with the largest share of kids who lack health insurance. (Except for Wisconsin and Georgia, where Republican-controlled legislatures have balked,the other eight states that still have refusedto expand Medicaid eligibility under the Affo...
President Joseph Biden’sAmerican Rescue Plan of 2021provided incentives for states to expand their Medicaid programs. These expansions would cover adults up to age 65 who have incomes at or below 138% of thefederal poverty level, which is $34,307 for a family of three in 2023.4Forty states ...
In an effort to encourage states to expand Medicaid, President Biden’s2021 American Rescue Plancontains more matching of federal funds as an incentive.17TheU.S. Department of Health and Human Serviceshas now revoked work requirements in the Medicaid programs of Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan...