Fully understand every facet of your personality type so you can build the life you’ve always envisioned, for only¥199. Interested in all 16 personality types? Save 60% vs. buying individual suites 16Personalities Pro Suite Get unfettered access to our extensive research, insights, and advice...
Few things make INFP personalities more uneasy than pretending to be someone they aren’t. With their sensitivity and their commitment to authenticity, people with this personality type tend to crave opportunities for creative self-expression. It comes as no surprise, then, that many famous INFPs...
The INFP or mediator personality is penned by some people as the “children of the Myers Briggs personality assessment.” This is because of the radical differences in the personality.
For people with the INFP personality type (Mediators), life is a journey – but even as they find their own way through the world, these personalities feel called to help others embark on their own journeys toward meaning, fulfillment, and happiness. In their understated, nondomineering way,...
Empathetic– People with the INFP personality type (Mediators) don’t just care about those around them in an abstract sense – they can actually feel another person’s emotions, from joy and elation to sorrow and regret. Because of their sensitivity, these personalities tend to be thoughtful ...
Although this personality type isn’t known for seeking the spotlight, they can find their life purpose in the performing arts. Sensitive to artistic beauty, some INFPs simply come to life in the worlds of music, drama, or dance. These personalities can draw from their inner depths to pull...
Few personality types are as poetic and kindhearted as INFPs (Mediators). With their unique gifts, these personalities can overcome all sorts of challenges and obstacles – and brighten the lives of those around them in the process. INFPs’ creativity, imagination, and kindness prove to be inv...
Although INFP personalities value their friendships, they also need personal space and alone time in order to recharge. At times, people with this personality type may withdraw from even their closest friends in order to reconnect with themselves and restore their energy, as Introverts often do. ...
调停者型人格(INFP,Mediator Personality)是迈尔斯布里格斯类型指标(MBTI)划分的16型人格(16personalities)中一种人格类型。 其中I代表内倾,N代表直觉,F代表情感,P代表感知。 INFP性格内向,更喜欢独处,然而他们内心充满活力与激情。他们富有同理心且不加评判,他们乐于了解他人并提供帮助;他们富有创造力和想象...