The goal of this project is to port the MediaPipe API (C++) one by one to C# so that it can be called from Unity. This approach may sacrifice performance when you need to call multiple APIs in a loop, but it gives you the flexibility to use MediaPipe instead. With this plugin, you...
MediaPipeUnity 已编译过库 可直接在M1 Mac上运行 可编译安卓apk及iOS包运行在手机上. 下载前请看清编译平台. MediaPipe Unity功能包括Face Mesh Face Detection Hand Tracking Pose Tracking等等. 项目原链接:需要安装坏境和build对应平台的库才能正常运行) ...
MediaPipeUnityPlugin 适用于 iOS 设备 安装 举报应用 关于MediaPipeUnityPlugin 大小 154.3 MB 更新时间 2023-05-16 版本 0.1(build 2) 证书类型 查看 MediaPipeUnityPlugin的其它版本 0.1 (build 1)2023-05-16 蒲公英|举报|无法安装
Unity plugin to run MediaPipe graphs. Contribute to FlatPixel/MediaPipeUnityPlugin development by creating an account on GitHub.
MediaPipeException: INVALID_ARGUMENT: Graph has errors: ; In stream "in", timestamp not specified or set to illegal value: Timestamp::Unset() at Mediapipe.Status.AssertOk () [0x00014] in /home/homuler/Development/unity/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/Packages/com.github.homuler.mediapipe/Runtime/Scripts...
技术标签:u3d google/mediapipe This is a Unity (2019.4.10f1) Plugin to use MediaPipe. Example Graphs Hello World! Face Detection (on CPU/GPU) Face Mesh (on CPU/GPU) Iris Tracking... 查看原文 iOS face tracking结合unity ARKit Remote实现素材编辑 ...
MediaPipeUnityPlugin_PoseSample_CPU Running on Unity3d 2021.3.5f1 for Windows, with CPU Processing, Using Plugin 0.10.0 Link Star0 MediaPipeUnityPlugin_Pose Running in CPU processing, in Editor on Windows, Unity 2021.3.5f1 and MediaPipeUnityPlugin 0.10.0 Prebuilt package and samples from with...
MediaPipeUnityPlugin.*.unitypackage A .unitypackage file If you want to customize the package or minify the package size, you need to build them by yourself. For a step-by-step guide, please refer to the Installation Guide on Wiki. You can also make use of the Package Workflow on Github...
MediaPipeUnityPlugin 适用于 iOS 设备 安装 举报应用 关于MediaPipeUnityPlugin 大小 154.3 MB 更新时间 2023-05-16 版本 0.1(build 1) 证书类型 查看
Breadcrumbs MediaPipeUnityPlugin / omnisharp.json Latest commit homuler chore: change LocationPaths 10fba23· Oct 9, 2021 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 11 lines (11 loc) · 199 Bytes Raw { "RoslynExtensionsOptions": { "enableAnalyzersSupport": true, "LocationPaths": [ ...