The goal of this project is to port the MediaPipe API (C++) one by one to C# so that it can be called from Unity. This approach may sacrifice performance when you need to call multiple APIs in a loop, but it gives you the flexibility to use MediaPipe instead.With this plugin, you ...
See error logs for more details at Mediapipe.CalculatorGraphConfigExtension.ParseFromTextFormat (Google.Protobuf.MessageParser`1[T] _, System.String configText) [0x0001e] in /home/homuler/Development/unity/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/Packages/com.github.homuler.mediapipe/Runtime/Scripts/Framework/Calculator...
MediaPipe Unity Plugin This is a Unity (2020.3.8f1) Plugin to use MediaPipe (0.8.6). Prerequisites To use this plugin, you need to build native libraries for the target platforms (Desktop/UnityEditor, Android, iOS). If you'd like to build them on your machine, below commands/tools/libra...
Build on Unity3D Editor on Windows, Unity 2021.3.5f1 and MediaPipeUnityPlugin 0.10.0 Prebuilt package and samples from with Thanks to @homuler ( and @vimalmollyn ( for help.作者...
MediaPipeUnityPlugin 适用于 iOS 设备 安装 举报应用 关于MediaPipeUnityPlugin 大小 154.3 MB 更新时间 2023-05-16 版本 0.1(build 1) 证书类型 查看
CodeIgniter 通过 SPL collection 和一些框架内自定义异常来生成系统错误报告。错误处理的行为取决于你部署...
1. 安装MediaPipeUnityPlugin:首先,需要在Unity项目中安装MediaPipeUnityPlugin。在Unity编辑器中,打开Assets文件夹,找到MediaPipeUnityPlugin的DLL文件(通常位于"Assets/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/MediaPipeUnityPlugin.dll"),将其拖放到场景中的脚本中。2. 导入MediaPipeUnityPlugin:在Unity项目中,需要导入MediaPipeUnityPlugin的命名...
MediaPipe plugin for Unity 技术标签:u3d google/mediapipe This is a Unity (2019.4.10f1) Plugin to use MediaPipe. Example Graphs Hello World! Face Detection (on CPU/GPU) Face Mesh (on CPU/GPU) Iris Tracking......
MediaPipeUnityPlugin-all 渴饮**月光上传460.65MB文件格式zipunity人脸追踪AI人像分割人体关键点 Unity2021.3工程,包含人像分割+人脸追踪+物体识别+人体关键点等案例场景。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 医院院外CRC报到表.doc 2025-01-25 06:07:12 积分:1...
MediaPipeUnityPlugin.*.unitypackage A .unitypackage file If you want to customize the package or minify the package size, you need to build them by yourself. For a step-by-step guide, please refer to the Installation Guide on Wiki. You can also make use of the Package Workflow on Github...