HN,hypoglossal nucleus(舌下神经核) MLF,medial longitudinal fasciculus(内侧纵束) NA,nucleus ambiguus(疑核) STT,spinothalamic tract(脊髓丘脑束) 引自:The "heart appearance" sign in MRI in bilateral medial medullary infarction.Postgrad Med ...
Lesion of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), which traverses between the contralateral CN VI nucleus and the ipsilateral CN III subnucleus, serving the medial rectus muscle; results in an ipsilateral deficiency of adduction and contralateral abducting nystagmus; convergence can be absent (mesencep...
The medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) is a white matter pathway in the brainstem that plays a key role in coordinating eye movements. Injury to the MLF leads to abnormalities in eye movements that can be measured with high precision by oculography, making it an ideal eloquent pathway to ...
Synonyms Fasciculus longitudinalis med.SynonymsFasciculus longitudinalis med.Definition A nerve fiber bundle running rostrally to caudally in the brainstem, a little laterally to the midline and below the oculomotor complex (rostrally) and the surface of the fourth ventricle caudally. The riMLF (...
The medial longitudinal fasciculus extends from the midbrain to the upper spinal cord next to the midline,The lesion of the MLF produce internuclear ophthalmoplegia, which is called vertical gaze palsy. ▼内侧纵束沟通动眼神经(下图箭头)、滑车神经、外展神经(下图绿色)的脑干核团 以协调眼球运动。
medial longitudinal fasciculus 内侧纵束句子 文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: A battery of electrophysiological examinations including auditory brain stem response, vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and electronystagmography revealed the lesion located on the right medial longitudinal fasciculus ...
Related to medial longitudinal fasciculus:Medial lemniscus,central tegmental tract,Tectospinal tract fas·cic·u·lus (fə-sĭk′yə-ləs)·cic·u·li(-lī′) A bundle of anatomical fibers, as of muscle or nerve. Also calledfascicle. ...
网络内侧纵束;内纵束;中间纵向纤维束 网络释义
The medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) is the main pathway subserving horizontal and vertical gaze movements. The MLF extends from the superior and medial vestibular nuclei at the level of the pons to Perlia’s nucleus in the rostral mesenchephalon. Its exitatory fibres cross the midline at ...
Extracellular recordings were obtained from 37 histologically identified MLF fibers near the trochlear nucleus in alert monkeys trained to perform a visual tracking task and subjected to adequate horizontal and vertical vestibular stimulation. The behavioral paradigm permitted independent quantitative assessment ...