66. : Medial longitudinal fasciculus: A window on axonal function in multiple sclerosisThis study aims to inform the pathophysiology of axonal dysfunction in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) in patients with internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) in multiple sclerosis (MS), and develop a ...
Related to medial longitudinal fasciculus:Medial lemniscus,central tegmental tract,Tectospinal tract fas·cic·u·lus (fə-sĭk′yə-ləs) n.pl.fas·cic·u·li(-lī′) A bundle of anatomical fibers, as of muscle or nerve. Also calledfascicle. ...
Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus Brainstem Syndromes Themedial longitudinal fasciculus(MLF) is a paired white matter tract close to the midline in the dorsalbrainstemlinking several brainstem nuclei, and injury to this tract can result in several clinical manifestations relevant to otologists, including anin...
“medial longitudinal fasciculus”仰般發音 已聽:102遍 分類: Scientific/Medical terms “medial longitudinal fasciculus”嘅發音英語[en] 口音:美國 medial longitudinal fasciculus嘅發音 發音人anakat(女,來自美國) Follow 0票好毋好 添加到喜愛嘅發音裡肚 ...
来了哦老弟啊 3321 0 颅神经影像——展神经,(耶鲁大学医学院),Abducens nerve biimii 108 0 脑血管解剖及影像(罗格斯大学医学院[美国]),Cerebral Vascular Anatomy And Imaging biimii 801 0 手把手教你进行超快速颞骨CT阅片| 油管搬运| 双语字幕 - CT Temporal Bone Anatomy ENT小灰灰 3998 ...
网络内侧纵束;内纵束;中间纵向纤维束 网络释义
Synonyms Fasciculus longitudinalis med.SynonymsFasciculus longitudinalis med.Definition A nerve fiber bundle running rostrally to caudally in the brainstem, a little laterally to the midline and below the oculomotor complex (rostrally) and the surface of the fourth ventricle caudally. The riMLF (...
英文: A battery of electrophysiological examinations including auditory brain stem response, vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and electronystagmography revealed the lesion located on the right medial longitudinal fasciculus including both upper and lower b 中文: 最近我们经验一例70岁男性,以急性眩晕、...
The influence of convergence on the eye movements of patients with the medial longitudinal fasciculus syndrome was studied. The results indicate that the characteristic abducting nystagmus may be derived in part from the interaction of an intact convergence mechanism with an impaired mechanism for horizon...
Efferent connections of the Mve concern ascending and descending projections in the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Ascending connections are bilateral and mainly project onto the oculomotor nuclei. The ventral Mve sends fibers in the thalamus, especially in the lateral parafascicular nucleus and the dors...