Astronauts will face a potential risk of injuries from mechanical forces during space operations. Many causes of this form of trauma can be envisaged. While some injuries may prove to be peculiar to the space environment itself, any type and severity of mechanical injury is conceivable....
mechanical and thermal injuryskin, constantly subjected to internal and external mechanical forcesisomorphic (Koebner) responseNikolsky sign, well-known effect of shearing trauma - evoking lesions of pemphigus foliaceusmechanical properties of skin
Mechanical forces generated from blood pressure and blood flow are responsible for cell metabolism, growth, proliferation, migration, differentiation, and morphology, but also lead cell detachment, injury, and apoptosis. Mechanical force-induced apoptosis could damage various organs including the heart, ...
1.The effects of different rocking mechanical forces on the green leaf physiology and biochemistry and raw tea quality;摇青不同机械力对青叶理化变化及乌龙茶品质的影响 2.Effects of the milling condition and mechanical force on properties of rice starch grinded by ball miller were studied.结果表明,...
One important mechanical function of the lumbar spine is to support the upper body by transmitting compressive and shearing forces to the lower body during the performance of everyday activities. To enable the successful transmission of these forces, mechanical stability of the spinal system must be...
of tubulin (e.g., methylation). Nuclear force regulates chromatin status through interacting with nuclear laminA/C and laminB1/2.bPhysical factors in extracellular environment (e.g., shear stress, stiffness, cell geometry) produce mechanical forces. These mechanical forces are transmitted by ...
Few efficacious therapies exist for the treatment of fibrotic diseases, such as skin scarring, liver cirrhosis and pulmonary fibrosis, which is related to our limited understanding of the fundamental causes and mechanisms of fibrosis. Mechanical forces from cell–matrix interactions, cell–cell contact...
机械的; 机器操作的of, connected with, produced by or operated by a machine or machines 机械式的; 呆板的acting without thinking, in a machine-like way mechanical是什么意思 adj. (形容词) 机械的 机械学的 力学的 无意识的 技工的 呆板的,无表情的 ...
1 Much later, Harold Frost clarified this observation and described a control circuit called the ‘mechanostat’ that links the degree of strain induced by mechanical forces to skeletal remodeling.2 Long-term high-intensity exercises, for example, strengthen bone in the supporting part of the body...
This system allows for the investigation of the effects of loading patterns on gene expression and structural changes in tendon. Ultimately, mechanisms of injury due to overuse can be studies with the findings applied to treatment and prevention. 展开 ...