Measures of network centrality assess the importance of elements in arrays of relationships linking entities, such as persons, organizations, or documents. Important entities may have many contacts, be related to other important entities, be near other entities, or be positioned between others. Most ...
Analyze network centrality of systemically important financial institutions (SIFI).Data from Turkish Interbank market during the financial crisis in 2000 is used.Study the role of Demirbank during the crisis with network centrality measures.Centrality measures perform well in identifying and monitoring SIFI...
across social networks has predominantly relied on measures of centrality on a static base network or a temporally flattened graph of agent interactions. Various measures have been proposed as the best trackers of influence, such as degree centrality, betweenness, and k-shell, depending on the ...
Measuring the importance of nodes in a network with a centrality measure is an core task in any network application. There many measures available and it is speculated that many encode similar information. We give an explicit non-linear relationship betw
Centrality measuresSocial network analysisSocial networks are currently gaining increasing impact in the light of the ongoing growth of web-based services like One major challenge for the economically successful implementation of selected management activities such as viral marketing is the ...
(2011). Q-measures and betweenness centrality in a collabora- tion network: A case study of the field of informetrics. Scientometrics, 87(1), 133-147.Q-measures and betweenness centrality in a collaboration network: a case study of the field of informetrics. Raf Guns,Yu Liu,Dilruba Mahbuba...
The ability to measure centrality in social networks has been a particularly useful development in social network analysis. For researchers trying to decide which centrality measure is most meaningful and valid for their research purposes, various papers have explored the conceptual foundations of centrali...
Although network centrality is generally assumed to produce power, recent research shows that this is not the case in exchange networks. This paper proposes a generalization of the concept of centrality that accounts for both the usual positive relationship between power and centrality and Cook et al...
Identifying key agents for the transmission of diseases (ideas, technology, etc.) across social networks has predominantly relied on measures of centrality on a static base network or a temporally flattened graph of agent interactions. Various measures h
Betweenness centrality is a fundamental algorithm innetwork analysisthat quantifies the influence or control that a node has over the flow of information, resources, or interactions within a network. The core idea behind this algorithm is to identify nodes that act as bridges or critical intermediar...