M. Ghasemi, et al., Centrality measures in biological networks, CBIO 9 (4) (2014) 426-441.Ghasemi M, Seidkhani H, Tamimi F, Rahgozar M, Masoudi-Nejad A. Centrality Measures in Biological Networks. Curr Bioinform. 2014;9(4):426-41. doi: 10.2174/15748936113086660013....
We study the h Hirsch index as a local node centrality measure for complex networks in general. The h index is compared with the Degree centrality (a local measure), the Betweenness and Eigenvector centralities (two non-local measures) in the case of a biological network (Yeast interaction pr...
Measures of node centrality in biological networks are useful to detect genes with critical functional roles. In gene co-expression networks, highly connected genes (i.e., candidate hubs) have been associated with key disease-related pathways. Although different approaches to estimating gene centrality...
Spectral centrality measures allow to identify influential individuals in social groups, to rank Web pages by popularity and even to determine the impact of scientific researches. The centrality score of a node within a network crucially depends on the entire pattern of connections, so that the usua...
Centrality measures in complex networks: A survey. arXiv: 2011.07190, 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.07190, Jul. 2024. Google Scholar Das K, Samanta S, Pal M. Study on centrality measures in social networks: A survey. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2018, 8(1): 13. DOI: ...
Nowadays, centrality analysis has become a principal method for identifying essential proteins in biological networks. Here we present CytoNCA, a Cytoscape plugin integrating calculation, evaluation and visualization analysis for multiple centrality measures. (i) CytoNCA supports eight different centrality meas...
In an air transport network, it has been shown that the closeness of a city is highly correlated with socio-economic indicators such as gross regional domestic product13. Closeness has been applied to biological networks6 and closeness measures were able to identify more than 50% of the global...
Centrality Measures for Graph-Based Keyphrase Extraction - centrality_measures_ijcnlp13/output/semeval/candidats.betweenness at master · boudinfl/centrality_measures_ijcnlp13
Spectral centrality measures in multilayer networks and their application in scientometrics data-science matlab pagerank scientometrics centrality multilayer-network Updated May 23, 2018 MATLAB ashutoshtiwari13 / SocialNetwork_Analyser Star 6 Code Issues Pull requests Analysis of Centrality -Finding Most...
in weighted networks.Keywords: Physarum Centrality; Centrality Measures; Amoeboid Algorithm; Weighted Networks1IntroductionNetwork, as a set of nodes with edges connecting them, is ubiquitous in the world, such asthe Internet, transportation network, social network, biological network and so on [1]....