SMART goal理论, specific,measurable,achievable,relevant,time-bound。把目标转换成可以具体执行的计划,从而变的更容易实现。走一步,再走一步,最终以至千里! û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
| 月薪拿到 5 万后,我才发现,真正工作能力强的人其实就看这五点。 1. 接任务的时候,只需要问清楚要求就行。 老板布置任务时,一定要先弄清楚交付的要求,说白了就是搞清楚“老板希望这个任务达到啥效果?” 📌用 SMART 原则(真的很好用😀) - 具体点 (Specific):目标和细节要明确。 - 能量化 (Measurabl...
If you want to make your goals measurable, stick to the SMARTER goal setting framework. You might have heard about the older version of SMART goals, but SMART goals may not be the best way to set your goals. This is because the SMART framework lacks 2 other factors: Excitement and Risky...
GROW:公司管理,从目标设定到行动计划 | ✅GROW模型:广泛应用于管理、教练领域。 ✔️主要帮助个人和团队设定、实现目标。 ✅它的四个核心步骤: ⭕1. 目标设定 (Goal): - 明确设计项目的最终目标,即要解决什么问题或达成什么样的成果。 - 设定SMART目标(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time...
Making SMART goals smarter.(Goal-setting)(specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely)(Report)MacLeod, Les
Set smart goals. A goal needs to be measurable, specific, realistic and timely in order to be effective. Kids prefer generalizing(泛化)when it comes to goal setting. For example, one may want to be the best basketball player in the team. 37 What exactly does a goal like this mean? You...
根据上文"Well SMART goals are Specific,Measurable,Attainable,Relevant and Timely.See how they get their names.(明智的目标是具体的、可衡量的、可实现的、相关的和及时的。看看他们的名字是怎么来的。)"可知,上文提到看SMART是怎么来的,再结合SMART可知是由提到的单词的第一个字母构成的。故D选项看每个...
Example: check the fire alarms and emergency lighting in all buildings every six months. Attachment A S.M.A.R.T. Goal Examples Not SMART: Improve customer service. SMART: Achieve and maintain an average customer service rating of at least 4.0 (out of a possible 5.0) on our annual survey...
Writing good IEP goals starts with the SMART goal formula. I have a goal-creating formula below. But, your IEP goals should all meet the following criteria. Save Who writes IEP goals? IDEA does not define this. Like everything else in the IEP, IEP goals are a team decision. Teams ...