Goel, the participle of gaal [l;a"G], is the term for the person who performed the duties of "redeemer." This term is found eighteen times in the Old Testament (13 times in Isaiah). It was the duty of a man's redeemer, usually his next of kin, to buy back the freedom that ...
To promote the Theology of the Body in our God, Sex and the Meaning of Life Ministry through Workshops and Study Groups and other means
10 Names of God – Bible Meaning and Relevance Today:1. Elohim - “God” Elohim means “God” – This name refers to God’s incredible power and might. He is the One and only God. He is Supreme, the true God in a world that promotes many false gods and religions. He is the one...
(God). The shema" Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Deut 6:4) underscores that identity, as do expressions like "Yahweh your/our God." Yahweh as God is exclusively God: "This is what the Lord saysIsrael's King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty: I am the first...
WhenPauldeveloped his Christian theology, he borrowed much of the key phrases (son of God, king of kings, redeemer, savior) from Roman imperial theology; phrases applied to emperorAugustus, the son of the "divine"JuliusCaesar. And as Jesus — the presumed king and thus leader of an insurrec...
Worship and Obey Him to find love and peace in our hearts. Believe Him every seconds of your life. Let Him to be the light of your soul because God is good all the time and He is Love Amen. Lyrics: You are my light You are my strength ...
What Does the Sabbath Mean in the Bible? The Sabbath meaning is more than just a day of rest; it is a divine invitation to step into a sacred rhythm established at creation. From its origin in Genesis to its reaffirmation in Revelation, the Sabbath emerges as a cornerstone of faith that...
25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth; 26 And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God, 27 Whom I shall see for myself, And my eyes shall behold, and not another. ...
What Does the Bible Mean by "Cornerstone"? In ancient times, builders would put great care and consideration into selecting a cornerstone. The longevity of the structure depended on it, as its position bore the weight of what was gathered to it, and served as a reference to properly angle ...
Easton's Bible Dictionary - Manger Manger [N] [S] ( Luke 2:7 Luke 2:12 Luke 2:16 ), the name (Gr. phatne, rendered "stall" in Luke 13:15 ) given to the place where the infant Redeemer was laid. It seems to have been a stall or crib for feeding cattle. Stables and ...