In Middle English, Latinredimeresometimes was translated asagainbuy. The general sense of "rescue, deliver, save" is from late 15c. The meaning "make amends for" is from 1520s. Sense of "make good, perform, fulfill" (a promise, obligation, etc.) is from 1840. The commercial sense of...
The phrase “perfect and upright” means that he was blameless and just. Or in other words, he was spiritually and morally upright. We are also told that Job eschewed evil (1:1). Eschewed translates the Hebrew wordsur, meaning ‘to turn away from’ (Hebrew Lexicon, p. p. 693). Thus...
In early usage, the sword, no doubt, defended their source of life, their gardens, from outside threats. If you look up the word ‘sword’, you’ll find the Hebrew word ‘chereb’ (#2719), which comes from 2717 meaning ‘to parch (through drought)’, supporting the word chereb, ...
Job 21:13 Or in an instant Job 21:24 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain. Job 21:30 Or wicked are reserved for the day of calamity, / that they are brought forth to Job 21:33 Or them, / as a countless throng went Job 19-21 King James Version 19 Then Job ...
From the above, the general meaning of the Hebrew words, "nephil" and "naphal" relates to something or someone that has, can be, or will fall (-en, -ing) in a literal and/or figurative sense. The nhCt would have one believe that these "sons of God" were, literally and figuratively...
Pagan Christianity Part 1 Pagan Christianity Part 2 Pray For Naphtali Taking Command of a Pure Language That Still Small Voice The Justice in Mercy » The Justice in Mercy Part 1 The Justice in Mercy Part 2 The Meaning of Life The Reason for Miracles The Voice of God Who are the Meek?
In fact, there are no other species of man, because God only created 'kind after kind' and called it good, meaning Adam was racially pure. All other bipeds are impure and the Bible is negative towards them. They were never given the “breath of life” (Gen. 2:7) i.e. the Spirit...
After Israel split into two houses, each house would refer to the other house as 'goy', the Hebrew word meaning 'nation' as well as race or people. Judeans in the days of Christ referred to the dispersed brethren of Israel as 'goyim' (gentiles). Today, those who call themselves jews...