honed;honing 1 :to sharpen with or as if with a fine abrasive stone 2 :to make more intense or effective top athleteshoningtheir skills More from Merriam-Webster onhone Nglish:Translation ofhonefor Spanish Speakers Last Updated: 17 Feb 2025 ...
Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
honed,honing. to make more acute or effective;improve;perfect: to hone one's skills. to sharpen on a whetstone with a fine, compact texture: to hone a carving knife. to enlarge or finish (a hole) using a precision tool with a mechanically rotated abrasive tip. ...
Leading companies spend time and money on honing the skills of senior managers. [ Is honing in correct? The verb “hone” means “to sharpen or make more acute,” as in honing a talent. ... As a simple rule of thumb, if you write the sentence and need the phrase “in on” after...
You may also get better ideas about honing your skills to increase your income. The card encourages you to invest your energy, talents and resources well, to earn more money. Upright Three of Pentacles Card Prediction for Love In a love reading, the card indicates that a new relationship is...
Guards visit communities and share dolphin-rescue hotline numbers to report incidents of dolphins stranded on the riverbank or in canals. From Ozy When dolphins play with air bubbles, they are honing their skills at confusing and catching prey. From Nautilus Previous studies had suggested dolphins ...
Many medical schools have incorporated experiences with representational or figurative art into the curriculum in an effort to improve learners' powers of observation, visual diagnostic skills, and pattern recognition skills or to enhance communication skills, foster teamwork, and/or improve empathy. The...
Playfulness:Cats are playful animals, regardless of age. They engage in play to practice their hunting skills and to release pent-up energy. Play behaviors may include chasing after toys, batting at objects, or engaging in interactive play with their human companions. Regular playtime is essential...
the change you desire. Whether it’s seeking out new opportunities, honing your skills, or making positive changes in your relationships, taking inspired action is essential for achieving success and happiness in life. It is ultimately up to us to make the most of the meaning of angel numbers...
Kids Definition hone verb ˈhōn honed; honing 1 : to sharpen with or as if with a fine abrasive stone 2 : to make more intense or effective top athletes honing their skills More from Merriam-Webster on hone Nglish: Translation of hone for Spanish Speakers Britannica English: ...