The meaning of HIT is to reach with or as if with a sudden blow. How to use hit in a sentence.
The meaning of CLICK is to strike, move, or produce with a click. How to use click in a sentence.
-on 1 a suffix used in the names of subatomic particles (gluon; meson; neutron), quanta (graviton), and other minimal entities or components (cistron; codon; magneton; photon). -on 2 a suffix used in the naming of inert gaseous elements: ...
(of an internal-combustion engine) to ignite a mixture of air and fuel as intended: This jalopy is hitting on all cylinders. to come or light (usually followed byuponoron): to hit on a new way. noun an impact or collision, as of one thing against another. ...
[+ object] : to hit (someone) The bullet got him in the leg. 25 [+ object] a : to hurt or cause trouble for (someone) He's convinced that his ex-wife is out to get him. I'll get you if it's the last thing I do! b : to cause the death of (someone) He had ...
I inadvertently let slip the jam and it fell to the floor in one swift swoop. It landed bottom first and exploded upon contact, shards of glass and blobs of jam flying every which way. It made a muffled sound when it hit the ground, and the splatters thudded on surfaces in a five ...
Each comes with its own pros and cons. The non-qualified plan offers the prospect of tax-free income during retirement. However, the qualified plan offers immediatetax savingsand a smaller hit on take-home pay during the person's working years. ...
You can “fly” an airplane or you can hit a “fly” that is on your food in your house. Or, you can “fly by the seat of your pants” which means you don’t make a plan before taking an action. And, you know that “fly” of a zipper(拉链)is the top part of the zipper....
The meaning of FAN is any of various devices for winnowing grain. How to use fan in a sentence. The Fanatical Origin of Fan
The meaning of RECORD is to set down in writing : furnish written evidence of. How to use record in a sentence.