Among these groups, calling people blue-pilled is an insult, and it implies that they choose to be disillusioned about their oppression by women or liberal politics. Red pill and blue pill have prompted a number of variant pills, such as black pill, which is associated with incels, who ...
presidential election. Trump loyalists,QAnonconspiracytheorists, and others recastred pillas a verb. Toredpill, in this parlance, is to initiate others into a shared set of beliefs that contradict the fact-based reality accepted by society at large. Thus -pilledhas become a suffix denoting ...
Their language features a range of jargon, such as Chad and Stacey but also femoid (a disparagement for a woman in general) and red, blue, and black pilling, slang for various stances towards mainstream (or normie) culture and “true reality.” Incels have also developed many subsets, incl...
a shift the legacy media didn't see coming. Along the way we talk to Mark Mitchell, the head pollster of one of America's most accurate public polling firms, Rasmussen Reports. Support the show: See for privacy information. 45 ...