I mean, I want to protect them from the lies that are out there in the culture, but I also want to protect them from those voices that I think are going to exploit what our real issues and lead them in a wrong direction. And that’s what I think the red pill does. So that’s...
Obviously, it’s a horrific conspiracy theory that you have to be devoid of human empathy to even entertain. But I have absolutely no problem presuming that Rodgers does hold those beliefs. In fact, I’d be shocked to learn he didn’t believe it. That’s because I recently list...
totally. and it does sort of remind me, in a weird way, of the way trump's memeability existed during his presidency. i mean, gosh, these were like the most annoying tweets i ever saw. but whenever anything would happen in culture and someone would immediately run and say, "there's ...
The least you can do is not throw fits, because driving away the kids is the worst thing you can do. No not all of them are brain dead, and a lot of them have been red pilled already — there is the fact that the whole “formal education” thing from pre-school to college, these...
The Alternate Hypothesis:Bitchute.com Cultured Thug:Bitchute.com JF Gariepy:Bitchute.com AmRen:Bitchute.com Poseidon:Bitchute.com EarthlingCarl:Bitchute.com Blonde In The Belly of The Beast:Bitchute.com Blackpilled:Bitchute.com Censored By YouTube:Bitchute.com ...
ve opened their eyes to this system of control have taken the red pill, a term yarvin started using back in 2007, long before it got watered down to generally mean supporting trump. to truly be red-pilled, you have to understand the workings of the cathedral. and the way conserv...