We derive sufficient conditions that ensure the mean-square exponential stability of mild solutions to the system boils down to the boundedness of a certain function and a norm estimate for the stochastic part. These conditions are implemented through the semigroup approach and the composition ...
So far there are few results on the exponential stability in mean square for impulsive stochastic difference equations with continuous time. 研究了连续变量型随机脉冲差分方程的均方指数稳定性,可以弥补此问题的空白。 2. Based on parameterized neutral model transformation and Lyapunov-krasovskii functional ...
Qi Zhou,Bing Chen,Chong Lin,Hongyi Li. Mean Square Exponential Stability for Uncertain Delayed Stochastic Neural Networks with Markovian Jump Parameters[J]. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing . 2010 (2)Q. Zhou, B. Chen, C. Lin, H. Li, Mean square exponential stability for ...
This paper deals with the mean-square exponential stability of stochastic theta methods for nonlinear stochastic delay integro-differential equations. It is shown that the stochastic theta methods inherit the mean-square exponential stability property of the underlying system. Moreover, the backward Euler...
Mean-square Stability:均方稳定性 热度: Exponential stability of uncertain switched system with time varying delay 热度: Robust Exponential Stability for Uncertain Discrete-Time :不确定离散时间鲁棒指数稳定性 热度: 相关推荐 第 35 卷第 8 期 2012 年 8 月 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版) JOURNAL...
Sufficient conditions of the mean square exponential stability or the mean square asymptotic stability of 2 dimension common systems are given. 利用构造二次型 Lyapunov函数和 I to公式研究了一般 n维时变线性 I to型随机微分系统的稳定性 ,给出了二维时变线性系统的三种常见情形的均方指数稳定或均方渐近稳...
Exponential Stability in Mean SquareFeedback LawThis paper deals with decomposition techniques for nonlinear large ndash scale stochastic systems which have the feature that the interactions between the various subsystems are nonadditive. We consider the system differential equations into a hierarchical form...
1) mean square stability 均方稳定性 1. In order to research the stability of stochastic differential equations,the two-step Runge-Kutta methods for solving these equations are presented, and the mean square stability and exponential stability conditions of the methods are discussed. 为进一步研究随...
The exponential stability in mean-square for a class of polytopic uncertain systems is discussed.The mixed time delay including both time-varying and distributed delay in the system with Markovian jump parameters is described.A sufficient condition for the exponential stability in mean-square of the ...
In this chapter the problem of mean square exponential stability of the zero solution to the stochastic differential equations of type (1.22) is studied. The stability of a steady-state is one of the main tasks which appears in many design problems of controllers with prescribed performances....