Zhu Q, Song S and Tang T. Mean square exponential stabil- ity of stochastic nonlinear delay systems. Int J Control 2017; 90(11): 2384-2393.Q. Zhu, S. Song, T. Tang, Mean square exponential stability of stochastic nonlinear delay systems, International Journal of Control 90(11)(2017) ...
By means of Lyapunov stability theorems of nonlinear stochastic systems with time-delays,some mean square exponential stability conditions with time-delays are deduced to linear matrix inequality(LMI) problems. 利用具有时滞的非线性随机系统的Lyapunov稳定性理论,导出闭环系统均方指数稳定的矩阵不等式(LMI)条...
2) mean square exponential stability 均方指数稳定 1. By using the extension of H lder inequality,delay difference inequality and the property of spectral radius of nonnegative matrix,a sufficient condition on themean square exponential stabilityof stochastic vector difference equation with variable delay...
Li, Mean square exponential stability for uncertain delayed sto- chastic neural networks with Markovian jump parameters, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol.29, no.22, pp.331-348, 2010.Q. Zhou, B. Chen, C. Lin, H. Li, Mean square exponential stability for uncertain delayed ...
Abstract In this paper, stochastic functional differential equations with impulses are considered. By employing Gronwall-Bellman inequality, the stochastic analytic technique and the properties of operator semigroup, the sufficient conditions ensuring the exponential stability in mean square for mild solution...
Explicit Criteria for Mean Square Exponential Stability of Stochastic Linear Differential Equations with Distributed DelaysStochastic delay differential equationMean square exponential stabilityBy a novel approach, we get some explicit criteria for the mean square exponential stability of linear stochastic ...
Sufficient conditions of the mean square exponential stability or the mean square asymptotic stability of 2 dimension common systems are given. 利用构造二次型 Lyapunov函数和 I to公式研究了一般 n维时变线性 I to型随机微分系统的稳定性 ,给出了二维时变线性系统的三种常见情形的均方指数稳定或均方渐近稳...
Research on mean square exponential stability of networked control systems with multi-step delay 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 66 作者:C Ma,H Fang 摘要: A new control mode is proposed for networked control systems whose network-induced delay is longer than a sampling period. The proposed ...
Mean-square Stability:均方稳定性 热度: Exponential stability of uncertain switched system with time varying delay 热度: Robust Exponential Stability for Uncertain Discrete-Time :不确定离散时间鲁棒指数稳定性 热度: 相关推荐 第 35 卷第 8 期 2012 年 8 月 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版) JOURNAL...
4) mean square exponential stability 均方指数稳定性 1. Robust mean square exponential stability of uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delay 不确定变时滞随机系统的鲁棒均方指数稳定性 2. In this paper, based the epxonential stability performance index, we constructed new eqaul performance...