prog = 'SAPLMEGUI'. ch_pfprogram = 'SAPLZFG_MM006'. ch_pfstatus = 'REQ'. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDENHANCEMENT 3 增强include LMEGUICJL 中的方法if_command_mm~execute添加隐式增强,相应增强按钮的事件
大家可能都使用过BADI:ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST,在采购订单屏幕中可以进行增强开发,但是该BADI无法修改参考单据树形结构中按钮。 经过查看标准代码,发现在如下代码中SAP已经预留出口,可以对该出口进行实现: 通过SMOD进行查询,找到出口MEQUERY1: 代码是简单的: 我们看下前台效果: 按钮实现成功,需要进行逻辑编写,查看EXIT_SAP...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility Hi All, I want to display 2 additional tabs in the line item of ME52N tcode. There is already an enhancement MEREQ001 created in a project named MEREQ001. I tried to do the changes in the existing screen after deactivating the project, But after ...
You are using transaction ME51 or ME51N to create a purchase requisition (PRreq). For an item with a material number, the base unit of measure (UoM) is always transferred to the UoM field of the item (EBAN-MEINS), even if an order unit for the affected material is maintained in the...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) hi, I have a requirement to add f4 help for standard t-code me51 for the field AFNAM ( Requisitioner ). f4 should be based on view values ( maintainence view ) .I got access key for doing this....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility Hi, I added a new tab at item level of Purchase Requisition using enhancement MEREQ001 screen SAPLXM02 screen number 0111. The fields that i placed in my new tab had been added to include table CI_EBANDB. The new tab appears in transaction ME52N ...
In include ZXM02TOP: DATA: gv_trtypTYPEaktvt.DATA: gv_inputTYPEflag. data: gs_mereq_itemTYPEmereq_item. 更改custom fields tab 名称, Se38: SAPLXM02->text element 选择change 添加一条记录ID 为111的文本:并保存激活,(不需要 Access Key) ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear All, i want to use user exit for transaction ME51N i have found a user exit named MEREQ001 and there are around 10 different exits EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_001 to 10 but the problem is i want to have a check for plant with costcentre now thing is ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, Got requierment to make the delivery date as defalut date (ex.- day format,week fromat) based on date category. for this i m maintaing Z table with fields material and date category. in tcode me51n if i m giving material as XYZ (maintained in...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi guys, i need to validate the entry made in the field BEDNR in ME51N and ME52N. I created an implementation of the badi ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST in SE19, that was activated. Now, i'm trying to use the PROCESS_ITEM method to validate the value of...