SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) hi, I have a requirement to add f4 help for standard t-code me51 for the field AFNAM ( Requisitioner ). f4 should be based on view values ( maintainence view ) .I got access key for doing this....
hi . i have a requirement to put field descryption in screen 505 for me51 tcode(program sapmm06b) for field g/l account in screen 505(Account Assignment for item 00010).
ME21N/ME51N参考创建增强 在采购订单(采购申请)创建时,如果需要参考自开发的单据,或者参考销售订单,在参考创建树形结构时无法使用自开发单据(如需求计划、销售订单等)———采购申请与采购订单类似,请参考进行实现(可以通过Tcode进行控制) 大家可能都使用过BADI:ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST,在采购订单屏幕中可以进行增强开发...
You should have domain expereience to work in SAP. <b>1. Difference between the t-codes ME51N AND ME51?</b> ME51 is old transaction code. ME51N is new transaction code with lot of features. <b>2. Difference between the Source List and Request For Quotation?</b> Source list is...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, Got requierment to make the delivery date as defalut date (ex.- day format,week fromat) based on date category. for this i m maintaing Z table with fields material and date category. in tcode me51n if i m giving material as XYZ (maintained in...
The first step to create apurchase requisitionin SAP is to open the tcode ME51N create purchase requisition, or find the path in the SAP easy access screen logistics > materials management > purchasing >purchase requisition> create. Create purchase requisition main screen ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility hi, go to se80 tcode give the function group as XM02 that u will find ur added screen 0111 ...and include ZXM02TOP where u can declare ur sscreen fields here . and in the flowlogic of the screen u will find PBO AND PAI. here you ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) Hi Gurus, We are in a process of blocking the existing material codes and creating a new series. Is it possible to restrict these blocked material codes from getting displayed in ME51N material code display? Regards, Si...
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