将前面创建的CheckDisk.ps1脚本存放在MDTDeploymentShare\Scripts\Custom\ChooseDisk,并在任务一Choose Disk里执行(如下图所示),执行脚本如下: %ScriptRoot%\Custom\ChooseDisk\CheckDisk.ps1 1. 创建任务二选择安装系统的目的磁盘,任务类型为Run Command Line 执行命令如下: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0...
右键点击某个步骤(如“Install Operating System”之后),选择“Add” > “General” > “Run Command Line”。 配置“Run Command Line”步骤的属性,例如: Name:自定义步骤名称(例如“Configure Network Settings”)。 Command Line:输入命令行(例如netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" static 1...
任务序列中调用: 在Install Operating System 任务下方 创建Run PowerShell Script 任务序列: 为增加驱动的通用性,在脚本调用时候,需要增加传递参数,方便不同系统版本的系统安装驱动。 传递的参数需要和如下目录位置对应。 驱动的安装阶段放到系统映像恢复完毕,尚未重启的时候。此时可以为离线的系统导入驱动,在系统重启后...
MDT通过PowerShell脚本自定义变量(自定义计算机名) 1.如果在Preinstall阶段运行PowerShell脚本,则需要做如下设置: 打开DeploymentShare属性-Windows PE - Features,选中如下三项,然后Update DeploymentShare 2.在Preinstall阶段添加 Run PowerShell Script,脚本路径:D:\DeploymentShare\Scripts\renamepc.ps1 renamepc.ps1脚本...
You're provided the PowerShell command.If you select View Script on the right side, you'll get the PowerShell code that was used to perform the task.Deployment sharesA deployment share is essentially a folder on the server that is shared and contains all the setup files and scripts needed...
The previous example is invalid, because the value includes Windows PowerShell command-line parameters (-nologo and -executionpolicy unrestricted).ملاحظة This task sequence step is natively available in System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager as Run PowerShell Script in the General...
除了Deployment Workbench 之外,還可以使用 Windows PowerShell Cmdlet 來管理 MDT 部署共用。 MDT Windows PowerShell Cmdlet 包含在安裝 MDT 隨附的 Windows PowerShell 嵌入式管理單元中,Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn。MDT Cmdlet 必須從已載入 MDT Windows PowerShell 嵌入式管理單元的 Windows PowerShell 控制台執行。 For...
The preceding folder names should match the actual make and model values that MDT reads from devices during deployment. You can find out the model values for your machines by using the following command in Windows PowerShell:PowerShell Copy Get-WmiObject -Class:Win32_ComputerSystem ...
The value provided in the Name parameter (DS002) must be unique and cannot be the same as an existing deployment share Windows PowerShell drive. Verify that the appropriate deployment share folders have been created using the dir command, as show in the following example: PowerShell Copy Get...
MDT also includes a Windows PowerShell provider that allows for the automation of LTI management tasks through the Windows PowerShell command shell using MDT cmdlets.Note MDT supports Windows ADK for Windows 8.1, Windows PE 5.0, and System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager....