1 右键任务序列 ,点击“Properties”2 点击“Add” , 点击“General”,点击“Run Command Line ”3 输入:Change WSUS Service Type输入:cmd /c sc config wuauserv start= auto点击“Apply”4 点击“Options”, 勾选“Continue on error”, 点击“Apply”5 点击“Add” , 点击“General”,点击“Run Command...
1 右键任务序列 ,点击“Properties”2 点击“Add” , 点击“General”,点击“Run Command Line ”3 输入:Activate Office输入:cmd /c cscript ospp.vbs /act点击“Apply”4 点击“Options”, 勾选“Continue on error”, 点击“Apply”5 进入D:\DeploymentShare\Scripts文件夹 新建Users文件夹,然后拷贝W...
右键点击某个步骤(如“Install Operating System”之后),选择“Add” > “General” > “Run Command Line”。 配置“Run Command Line”步骤的属性,例如: Name:自定义步骤名称(例如“Configure Network Settings”)。 Command Line:输入命令行(例如netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" static 1...
NameDescription None NoneRun Command LineThis task sequence step runs the specified commands on the target computer. For more information about this step type, see Run Command Line.The unique properties and settings for the Run Command Line task sequence step type are:Properties...
Select General, and then select Run Command Line. Note Add the task before adding any tasks that require access to resources on the target server. Complete the Properties tab of the new task using the following information: Expand table In this boxDo this Name Type Connect to server (where...
方法/步骤 1 右键任务序列 ,点击“Properties”2 点击“Add” , 点击“General”,点击“Run Command Line ”3 输入:Set Windows 10 KMS Key输入:cscript.exe c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk M7XTQ-FN8P6-TTKYV-9D4CC-J462D点击“Apply”注:该序列号为微软公布的KMS公开序列号,企业需要有KMS 激活...
方法/步骤 1 右键任务序列 ,点击“Properties”2 进入D:\DeploymentShare\Scripts文件夹新建EnableSR.txt , 输入以下内容 , 更改后缀txt为cmd 3 点击“Add” , 点击“General”,点击“Run Command Line ”4 输入:Enable System Restore输入:cmd /c "%SCRIPTROOT%\EnableSR.cmd"点击“Apply”5 点击“Options...
使用BDDRun.exe commandline 引數 值描述 commandline要執行的命令,需要用戶互動 注意 將雙引號放在包含空白之自變數之命令行部分的任何部分周圍。 例如:BDDRun.exe MyAppInstall.exe /destinationdir: "%ProgramFiles%\AppName"。 Bootsect.exe Bootsect.exe 會更新硬碟分割的主要開機程序代碼,以在 BOOTMGR 與 NTLDR...
Add a "Run command line" in your task sequence. Enter this as your Command line: xcopy "%SCRIPTROOT%\State.ini" %windir%\setup\state\ /H /Y Place your modified State.ini file in your "scripts" folder (e.g.: C:\DeploymentShare\Scripts). ...
mdt2010域环境自动部署xp 本文用到的软件下载地址。http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=467113&uk=856591046 Waik3.0:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5753(要求客户机>512M内存)Waik3.1:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5188(要求客户机>512M...