骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)是一组起源于造血干细胞的异质性髓系克隆性疾病,其特点是髓系细胞发育异常,表现为无效造血、难治性血细胞减少,高风险向急性髓系白血病(AML)转化。 图源网络 风险分层对于评估MDS患者疾病危险度、生存期和制定治疗策略具有重要指导意义...
5. Malcovari L, Della Porta MG, Pascutto C, et al. Prognostic factors and life expectancy in myelodysplastic syndromes classified according to WHO criteria: a basis for clinical decision making. J Clin Oncol, 2005, 23: 7594-7603. 6. Armand P, Kim HT, Culter CS, et al. Prognostic impa...
意义未明克隆性血细胞减少(CCUS)指存在血细胞减少和克隆性异常,但是无发育异常,也无其他克隆性骨髓肿瘤的患者。面对CCUS的诊断以及较高的进展为MDS或AML的可能性,该患者离开医院并开始旅行。2年后,疾病进展为全血细胞减少,确诊为MDS,后续接受了地西他滨治疗并进行异基因造血干细胞移植,最终死于MDS复发。 病例3 患者...
MDS with ring sideroblasts (MDS-RS). At least 15% of early red blood cells have formed a ring around their center with this type. MDS-RS is also uncommon and unlikely to lead to AML. MDS with excess blasts (MDS-EB). When you have MDS-EB, you’ll have more very early forms of ...
(especially those causing biallelic inactivation) and confer a higher risk of transition to AML (Bernard Elsa et al.2022). The urge to incorporate such molecular information into MDS prognostication led to the development of the molecular IPSS (IPSS-M), currently being validated in different ...
If you have MDS, it can be challenging to know what to expect. Some people live with the condition for years and require little or no treatment. Others have more aggressive disease, and about a third of all patients develop AML, which requires more intense treatment. Someone with a very...
In 2021, long-term follow-up data still demonstrated a significant OS advantage with MAC only for the AML subgroup, with a 4-year OS rate of 59.9% (95% CI, 50.3% to 69%) versus 46.7% (95% CI, 37.3% to 56.2%) in the RIC subgroup (P = 0.054), especially due to increased ...
“Patient safety remains our top priority. We appreciate the dialogue with the FDA and will work diligently with the agency to resolve the partial clinical hold in AML/MDS as soon as possible,” Adrian Gottschalk, chief executive officer of Foghorn Therapeutics, stated in...
Most patients with these disorders succumb to complications of bone marrow failure or transformation to AML within months or years of diagnosis. Life expectancy is particularly poor for patients with an increased medullary blast infiltration (RAEB and RAEB/T), profound pancytopenia and abnormal cyto...
Patients were eligible for enrollment if they have an ECOG performance status of 0-1, adequate organ function, a life expectancy of at least 3 months, and had not received major surgery within 30 days of the first study treatment. Patients were not eligible for participation if they had recei...